Plotting a voltage curve from a folder of res files

This example will create a hull and plot a voltage curve from the computed phases found inside this directory.

# temporarily disables numpy deprecation warnings for CI
import warnings
from matador.hull import QueryConvexHull
from matador.scrapers.castep_scrapers import res2dict
%matplotlib inline
cursor, failures = res2dict("LiP_structures/*.res")

hull = QueryConvexHull(
    species=['Li', 'P'],
    plot_kwargs={"labels": True}
Successfully scraped 6 out of 6 files.
6 structures found within 0.0 eV of the hull, including chemical potentials.
                Source                 !?!  Pressure  Cell volume      Hull dist.      Space group      Formula      # fu   Prov.
                                             (GPa)      (ų/fu)        (meV/atom)
* P-CollCode150873                              0.01         21.2           0.0           Cmca             P          4      ICSD  
* LiP-ColCode23621                             -0.02        173.2           0.0          I41/acd         LiP₇         8      ICSD  
* LiP-CollCode60774                             0.02        198.4           0.0          P212121         Li₃P₇        4      ICSD  
* LiP-CollCode182159                           -0.02         31.3           0.0           P21/c           LiP         8      ICSD  
* LiP-CollCode165990                           -0.02         58.4           0.0          P63/mmc         Li₃P         4      ICSD  
* Li-bcc                                        0.01         20.3           0.0           Pm-3m           Li          16    AIRSS  

Constructing electrode system with active ion: Li

# Li into P
# Average voltage: 0.96 V
# Q (mAh/g)     Voltage (V)
      0.00      1.51548488
    123.62      1.51548488
    370.87      1.19129313
    865.37      0.95356375
   2596.10      0.89592562
       nan      0.00000000

Volume data:

# Reaction 1
# P
#  Q (mAh/g)      Volume (A^3)  Volume ratio with bulk
      0.00               21.24            1.00
    123.62               24.75            1.16
    370.87               28.34            1.33
    865.37               31.29            1.47
   2596.10               58.37            2.75
cursor, failures = res2dict("ternary_structures/*.res")

hull = QueryConvexHull(
    plot_kwargs={"labels": True, "colour_points_by": "concentration"}
Successfully scraped 87 out of 87 files.
21 structures found within 0.01 eV of the hull, including chemical potentials.
                Source                 !?!  Pressure  Cell volume      Hull dist.      Space group      Formula      # fu   Prov.  Occurrences
                                             (GPa)      (ų/fu)        (meV/atom)
* K-Na-Collo                                    0.02         73.3           0.0           Im-3m            K          1     SWAPS  
  KP-GA-0ss21w-10x34                           -0.02        144.2           6.2            P1             K₃P         6       GA
* SnK-PbRb-OQMD_25009-CollCode409436            0.00         78.1           0.0         I4_1/acd          KSn         16    SWAPS  
* PKSn-As4Na8Ti-OQMD_13161-CollC[..]            0.05        441.9           0.0           Fd-3m         K₈SnP₄        2     SWAPS  
  KSn-fh4saz                                    0.01        109.1           4.7            Pm            KSn₂         2     AIRSS
* KSn-GA-djgski-1x1                            -0.00        508.8           0.0            P-1           K₄Sn₉        4       GA   
  KPSn-Na5P3Sn-OQMD_645043-CollC[..]            0.06        278.7           0.9          P2_1/c         K₅SnP₃        4     SWAPS
  KP-GA-oeaasw-1x78                            -0.01        215.3           1.9            P-1           K₄P₃         2       GA
* KP-NaP-CollCode56530                         -0.00        267.4           0.0           C2/m           K₅P₄         1     SWAPS  
* KSn-NaSn-CollCode248167                       0.06        744.4           0.0           R-3m          K₃Sn₁₇        2     SWAPS  
  KSn-NaSn-CollCode28123                        0.03        996.8           5.4           Pm-3n         K₄Sn₂₃        2     SWAPS
* KP-GA-scno1g-3x2                              0.05         57.4           0.0            P1             KP          8       GA   
* KPSn-KSbSn-OQMD_6395-CollCode33933            0.07         90.4           0.0          P6_3mc          KSnP         2     SWAPS  
* Sn-CollCode40039                              0.02         36.4           0.0           Fd-3m           Sn          2      ICSD  
* KP-GA-0ss21w-17x39                            0.01        147.8           0.0            P1            K₂P₃         4       GA   
* PKSn-As2NaSn2-OQMD_14824-CollC[..]            0.04        134.2           0.0           R-3m          KSn₂P₂        1     SWAPS  
* KP-Cs3P7-OQMD_57401-CollCode62259            -0.00        294.8           0.0           P4_1           K₃P₇         4     SWAPS  
* P3Sn4-CollCode15014                          -0.00        165.1           0.0           R-3m           Sn₄P₃        3      ICSD  
* KP-LiP-ColCode23621                           0.01        229.8           0.0         I4_1/acd          KP₇         8     SWAPS  
* P3Sn-OQMD_3387-CollCode16293                  0.06         85.4           0.0           R-3m           SnP₃         2      ICSD  
* P-CollCode150873                             -0.01         21.2           0.0           Cmce             P          4      ICSD  

Constructing electrode system with active ion: K
Assessing reaction 1, P:
P ---> 0.143 KP₇ ---> 0.143 K₃P₇ ---> 0.333 K₂P₃ ---> KP ---> 0.25 K₅P₄
Assessing reaction 2, SnP₃:
SnP₃ ---> 0.25 Sn₄P₃ + 0.321 KP₇ ---> 0.25 Sn₄P₃ + 0.321 K₃P₇ ---> 0.429 K₃P₇ + Sn ---> 0.5 KSn₂P₂ + 0.286 K₃P₇ ---> 0.286 K₃P₇ + KSnP ---> KSnP + 0.667 K₂P₃ ---> KSn + K₂P₃ ---> 3.0 KP + KSn ---> 0.75 K₅P₄ + KSn ---> 0.75 K₈SnP₄ + 0.25 KSn
Assessing reaction 3, Sn₄P₃:
Sn₄P₃ ---> 0.429 K₃P₇ + 4.0 Sn ---> 1.5 KSn₂P₂ + Sn ---> 3.0 KSnP + Sn ---> 0.059 K₃Sn₁₇ + 3.0 KSnP ---> 0.111 K₄Sn₉ + 3.0 KSnP ---> 3.0 KSnP + KSn ---> 4.0 KSn + K₂P₃ ---> 3.0 KP + 4.0 KSn ---> 0.75 K₅P₄ + 4.0 KSn ---> 0.75 K₈SnP₄ + 3.25 KSn
Assessing reaction 4, Sn:
Sn ---> 0.059 K₃Sn₁₇ ---> 0.111 K₄Sn₉ ---> KSn
4 starting point(s) found.
P, SnP₃, Sn₄P₃, Sn


# K into P
# Average voltage: 0.76 V
# Q (mAh/g)     Voltage (V)
      0.00      1.84678825
    123.62      1.84678825
    370.87      1.24812250
    576.91      0.65211200
    865.37      0.31951625
   1081.71      0.25383000
       nan      0.00000000

# K into SnP₃
# Average voltage: 0.54 V
# Q (mAh/g)     Voltage (V)
      0.00      1.56802407
     40.71      1.56802407
    122.13      1.24812250
    162.84      1.11280248
    171.89      0.88411300
    235.21      0.86120500
    295.52      0.65211200
    379.96      0.34951250
    506.61      0.31951625
    601.60      0.25383000
    791.58      0.10594250
       nan      0.00000000

# K into Sn₄P₃
# Average voltage: 0.52 V
# Q (mAh/g)     Voltage (V)
      0.00      1.11280248
     60.70      1.11280248
     70.81      0.88411300
    141.63      0.86120500
    149.96      0.85902800
    162.61      0.60875939
    188.84      0.46219000
    283.26      0.34951250
    330.47      0.31951625
    365.87      0.25383000
    436.69      0.10594250
       nan      0.00000000

# K into Sn
# Average voltage: 0.57 V
# Q (mAh/g)     Voltage (V)
      0.00      0.85902800
     39.85      0.85902800
    100.35      0.60875939
    225.79      0.46219000
       nan      0.00000000

Volume data:

# Reaction 1
# P
#  Q (mAh/g)      Volume (A^3)  Volume ratio with bulk
      0.00               21.20            1.00
    123.62               32.82            1.55
    370.87               42.12            1.99
    576.91               49.25            2.32
    865.37               57.43            2.71
   1081.71               66.86            3.15

Volume data:

# Reaction 2
# SnP3
#  Q (mAh/g)      Volume (A^3)  Volume ratio with bulk
      0.00               85.43            1.00
     40.71              115.13            1.35
    122.13              136.05            1.59
    162.84              162.75            1.90
    171.89              151.36            1.77
    235.21              174.68            2.04
    295.52              188.94            2.21
    379.96              225.84            2.64
    506.61              250.38            2.93
    601.60              278.65            3.26
    791.58              350.94            4.11

Volume data:

# Reaction 3
# Sn4P3
#  Q (mAh/g)      Volume (A^3)  Volume ratio with bulk
      0.00              165.13            1.00
     60.70              271.93            1.65
     70.81              237.76            1.44
    141.63              307.71            1.86
    149.96              315.10            1.91
    162.61              327.85            1.99
    188.84              349.40            2.12
    283.26              460.08            2.79
    330.47              484.62            2.93
    365.87              512.90            3.11
    436.69              585.18            3.54

Volume data:

# Reaction 4
# Sn
#  Q (mAh/g)      Volume (A^3)  Volume ratio with bulk
      0.00               36.39            1.00
     39.85               43.79            1.20
    100.35               56.54            1.55
    225.79               78.08            2.15
Plotting ternary hull...
Showing plot...