Phonon calculation analysisΒΆ

import matador
from matador.plotting import plot_spectral
import os
%matplotlib inline
import pathlib

First, we can plot the phonon data directly from the output files:

plot_spectral('completed/C-OQMD_675640-CollCode28857', phonons=True, band_reorder=False, band_colour='black')
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Displaying plot...
plot_spectral('completed/Si-OQMD_5714-CollCode29287', phonons=True, band_colour='black')
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Reordering bands based on local gradients...
Displaying plot...

For extra features, we can load the data into the models VibrationalDOS and VibrationalDispersion, which allows us to investigate free energies.

from matador.scrapers import phonon2dict, phonon_dos2dict
# first, lets plot the dispersion again
Si_model, _ = phonon2dict('completed/Si-OQMD_5714-CollCode29287.phonon', as_model=True)
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Reordering bands based on local gradients...
Displaying plot...
# now, we can load the DOS and plot it.
Si_dos_model, _ = phonon_dos2dict('completed/Si-OQMD_5714-CollCode29287.phonon_dos', as_model=True)
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Displaying plot...
# we can also compute and plot the free energy G(T) from the frequencies computed on the DOS grid
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa34969f518>
# we can also compare all these results with the corresponding results for diamond carbon
C_model, _ = phonon2dict('completed/C-OQMD_675640-CollCode28857.phonon', as_model=True)
C_dos_model, _ = phonon_dos2dict('completed/C-OQMD_675640-CollCode28857.phonon_dos', as_model=True)
from matador.plotting import plot_spectral
plot_spectral([C_model, Si_model], phonons=True, plot_dos=False)
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Disabling projections as mutiple seeds requested.
Reordering bands based on local gradients...
Reordering bands based on local gradients...
Displaying plot...
ax = C_dos_model.plot_free_energy(line_kwargs=dict(label='C'))
ax = Si_dos_model.plot_free_energy(ax=ax, line_kwargs=dict(label='Si'))
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc
Using config from /u/fs1/me388/.matadorrc