Source code for matador.workflows.castep.common

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This submodule implements some common workflow steps for use in
more complicated workflows.


import copy
import logging

__all__ = ("castep_prerelax", "castep_scf")

LOG = logging.getLogger("run3")

[docs]def castep_scf( computer, calc_doc, seed, elec_energy_tol=None, write_checkpoint="ALL", required_keys=None, forbidden_keys=None, ): """Run a singleshot SCF calculation. Parameters: computer (:obj:`matador.compute.ComputeTask`): the object that will be calling CASTEP. calc_doc (dict): the structure to run on. seed (str): root filename of structure. Keyword arguments: elec_energy_tol (float or str): keyword to pass to ``elec_energy_tol``. write_checkpoint (bool or str): keyword to pass to CASTEP's ``write_checkpoint`` parameter. If ``True`` (``False``), CASTEP parameter set to ``ALL`` (``NONE``). required_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys required in calc doc to perform the calculation. forbidden_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys to scrub from calc doc to perform the calculation. Returns: bool: whether or not the SCF was successful. """"Performing singleshot CASTEP SCF...") scf_doc = copy.deepcopy(calc_doc) scf_doc["write_checkpoint"] = _parse_write_checkpoint(write_checkpoint) scf_doc["task"] = "singlepoint" if elec_energy_tol is not None: scf_doc["elec_energy_tol"] = elec_energy_tol required = [] forbidden = [ "spectral_task", "spectral_kpoints_list", "spectral_kpoints_path", "spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing", "spectral_kpoints_path_spacing", ] computer.validate_calc_doc(scf_doc, required, forbidden) return computer.run_castep_singleshot(scf_doc, seed, keep=True, intermediate=True)
[docs]def castep_prerelax( computer, calc_doc, seed, write_checkpoint="all", required_keys=None, forbidden_keys=None, ): """Run a self-consistent (i.e. restarted) geometry optimisation. Optionally write a check file containing the final structure and density. Parameters: computer (:obj:`ComputeTask`): the object that will be calling CASTEP. calc_doc (dict): the structure to run on. seed (str): root filename of structure. Keyword arguments: write_checkpoint (bool or str): keyword to pass to CASTEP's ``write_checkpoint`` parameter. If ``True`` (``False``), CASTEP parameter set to ``ALL`` (``NONE``). required_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys required in calc doc to perform the calculation. forbidden_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys to scrub from calc doc to perform the calculation. Returns: bool: whether or not the relaxation was successful. """"Performing CASTEP pre-relax...") relax_doc = copy.deepcopy(calc_doc) relax_doc["write_checkpoint"] = _parse_write_checkpoint(write_checkpoint) if "geom_max_iter" not in relax_doc: relax_doc["geom_max_iter"] = 100 relax_doc["task"] = "geometryoptimisation" computer.validate_calc_doc(relax_doc, required_keys, forbidden_keys) computer.calc_doc = relax_doc return computer.run_castep_relaxation(intermediate=True)
def _parse_write_checkpoint(write_checkpoint): """Returns the appropriate value of ``write_checkpoint``.""" if isinstance(write_checkpoint, bool): if not write_checkpoint: write_checkpoint = "NONE" else: write_checkpoint = "ALL" if write_checkpoint.upper() not in ("NONE", "MINIMAL", "ALL", "BOTH", "FULL"): LOG.warning( f"Invalid value of `write_checkpoint` provided: {write_checkpoint}, using 'ALL'" ) write_checkpoint = "ALL" return write_checkpoint