Source code for matador.scrapers.qe_scrapers

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This file implements some scraper functions for
Quantum Espresso-related inputs and outputs.


from collections import defaultdict
from os import stat
from math import gcd
from matador.utils.cell_utils import cart2abc, cart2volume
from matador.utils.chem_utils import RY_TO_EV, KBAR_TO_GPA
from matador.scrapers.utils import scraper_function, get_flines_extension_agnostic

[docs]@scraper_function def pwout2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Extract available information from pw.x .out file. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename or list of filenames to scrape as a QuantumEspresso pw.x output. """ flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, ["out", "in"]) pwout = {} pwout["source"] = [fname] try: # grab file owner username from pwd import getpwuid pwout["user"] = getpwuid(stat(fname).st_uid).pw_name except Exception: pwout["user"] = "xxx" if "CollCode" in fname: pwout["icsd"] = fname.split("CollCode")[-1] for ind, line in enumerate(reversed(flines)): ind = len(flines) - 1 - ind if ( "cell_parameters" in line.lower() and "angstrom" in line.lower() and "lattice_cart" not in pwout ): pwout["lattice_cart"] = [] for j in range(3): line = flines[ind + j + 1].strip().split() pwout["lattice_cart"].append(list(map(float, line))) pwout["cell_volume"] = cart2volume(pwout["lattice_cart"]) elif "atomic_positions" in line.lower() and "positions_frac" not in pwout: pwout["positions_frac"] = [] pwout["atom_types"] = [] j = 1 while True: if "End final coordinates" in flines[j + ind]: break else: try: line = flines[j + ind].strip().split() pwout["atom_types"].append(line[0]) pwout["positions_frac"].append(list(map(float, line[1:5]))) j += 1 except Exception: break pwout["num_atoms"] = len(pwout["atom_types"]) elif "final enthalpy" in line.lower() and "enthalpy" not in pwout: pwout["enthalpy"] = RY_TO_EV * float(line.lower().split()[-2]) elif "total stress" in line.lower() and "pressure" not in pwout: pwout["pressure"] = KBAR_TO_GPA * float(line.lower().split()[-1]) elif all( key in pwout for key in ["enthalpy", "pressure", "lattice_cart", "positions_frac"] ): break # get abc lattice pwout["lattice_abc"] = cart2abc(pwout["lattice_cart"]) # calculate stoichiometry pwout["stoichiometry"] = defaultdict(float) for atom in pwout["atom_types"]: if atom not in pwout["stoichiometry"]: pwout["stoichiometry"][atom] = 0 pwout["stoichiometry"][atom] += 1 gcd_val = 0 for atom in pwout["atom_types"]: if gcd_val == 0: gcd_val = pwout["stoichiometry"][atom] else: gcd_val = gcd(pwout["stoichiometry"][atom], gcd_val) # convert stoichiometry to tuple for fryan temp_stoich = [] for key, value in pwout["stoichiometry"].items(): if float(value) / gcd_val % 1 != 0: temp_stoich.append([key, float(value) / gcd_val]) else: temp_stoich.append([key, value / gcd_val]) pwout["stoichiometry"] = temp_stoich atoms_per_fu = 0 for elem in pwout["stoichiometry"]: atoms_per_fu += elem[1] pwout["num_fu"] = len(pwout["atom_types"]) / atoms_per_fu return pwout, True