Source code for matador.scrapers.castep_scrapers

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This file implements the scraper functions for CASTEP-related
inputs and outputs.


from time import strptime
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import glob
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from matador.utils.cell_utils import (
from matador.utils.chem_utils import get_stoich, INVERSE_CM_TO_EV
from matador.scrapers.utils import (

[docs]@scraper_function def res2dict(fname, db=True, **kwargs): """Extract available information from .res file; preferably used in conjunction with cell or param file. Parameters: fname (str or list): filename or list of filenames of res file(s) (with or without extension). Keyword arguments: db (bool): whether to fail if unable to scrape energies. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, "res") res = dict() # add .res to source res["source"] = [fname] # grab file owner username try: import pwd res["user"] = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(fname).st_uid).pw_name except Exception: res["user"] = "xxx" try: get_seed_metadata(res, fname) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn( f"There was an error scraping provenance from filename {fname}: {exc}" ) # alias special lines in res file titl = None cell = None remark = None for line in flines: if line.startswith("TITL") and db: # if not db, then don't read title titl = line.split() if len(titl) != 12: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing some TITL info in {fname}") elif line.startswith("CELL"): cell = line.split() elif line.startswith("REM"): remark = line.split() elif line.startswith("SFAC"): break if not cell: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing CELL line from {fname}") if not titl and db: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing TITL line in {fname}") if db: res["pressure"] = f90_float_parse(titl[2]) res["cell_volume"] = f90_float_parse(titl[3]) res["enthalpy"] = f90_float_parse(titl[4]) res["num_atoms"] = int(titl[7]) res["space_group"] = titl[8].strip("()") res["enthalpy_per_atom"] = res["enthalpy"] / res["num_atoms"] res["lattice_abc"] = [ list(map(f90_float_parse, cell[2:5])), list(map(f90_float_parse, cell[5:8])), ] # calculate lattice_cart from abc res["lattice_cart"] = abc2cart(res["lattice_abc"]) if "cell_volume" not in res: res["cell_volume"] = cart2volume(res["lattice_cart"]) res["atom_types"] = [] res["positions_frac"] = [] res["site_occupancy"] = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "SFAC" in line: i = 1 while "END" not in flines[line_no + i] and line_no + i < len(flines): # check if we don't have some other SHELX keyword in the way, e.g. "UNIT" if len(flines[line_no + i]) >= 4 and all( [char.isupper() for char in flines[line_no + i][0:4]] ): i += 1 continue cursor = flines[line_no + i].split() res["atom_types"].append(cursor[0]) res["positions_frac"].append(list(map(f90_float_parse, cursor[2:5]))) try: res["site_occupancy"].append(f90_float_parse(cursor[5])) except IndexError: res["site_occupancy"].append(1.0) i += 1 break res["positions_frac"] = wrap_frac_coords(res["positions_frac"]) res["num_atoms"] = len(res["atom_types"]) # Parse any remark regarding implicit nanotube encapsulation if remark: if "NTPROPS" in remark: res["cnt_chiral"] = [0, 0] res["encapsulated"] = True for ind, entry in enumerate(remark): if "chiralN" in entry: res["cnt_chiral"][0] = int(remark[ind + 1].replace(",", "")) if "chiralM" in entry: res["cnt_chiral"][1] = int(remark[ind + 1].replace(",", "")) if entry == "'r':": res["cnt_radius"] = f90_float_parse( remark[ind + 1].replace(",", "") ) if entry == "'z':": temp_length = remark[ind + 1].replace(",", "") temp_length = temp_length.replace("\n", "") temp_length = temp_length.replace("}", "") res["cnt_length"] = f90_float_parse(temp_length) res["stoichiometry"] = get_stoich(res["atom_types"]) res["num_fu"] = len(res["atom_types"]) / sum( [elem[1] for elem in res["stoichiometry"]] ) return res, True
[docs]@scraper_function def cell2dict(fname, db=False, lattice=True, positions=True, **kwargs): """Extract available information from .cell file; probably to be merged with another dict from a .param or .res file. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename or list of filenames of cell file(s) to scrape, with or without extension. Keyword arguments: db (bool): scrape database quality file lattice (bool): scrape lattice vectors positions (bool): scrape positions Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ cell = dict() flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, "cell") # add cell file to source cell["source"] = [fname] for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if line.startswith(("#", "!")): continue if "#" or "!" in line: line = line.split("#")[0].split("!")[0] if "%block lattice_cart" in line.lower() and lattice: cell["lattice_cart"] = [] i = 1 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): if not flines[line_no + i].strip()[0].isalpha(): cell["lattice_cart"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i].split())) ) if not len(cell["lattice_cart"][-1]) == 3: raise RuntimeError( "Lattice vector does not have enough elements!" ) i += 1 if not len(cell["lattice_cart"]) == 3: raise RuntimeError("Wrong number of lattice vectors!") elif "%block lattice_abc" in line.lower() and lattice: cell["lattice_abc"] = [] i = 1 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): if not flines[line_no + i].strip()[0].isalpha(): cell["lattice_abc"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i].split())) ) if not len(cell["lattice_abc"][-1]) == 3: raise RuntimeError( "Lattice vector does not have enough elements!" ) i += 1 if not len(cell["lattice_abc"]) == 2: raise RuntimeError("Wrong specification of lattice_abc") elif "%block species_pot" in line.lower(): cell["species_pot"] = dict() i = 1 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): # handle blank lines in species pot split_line = flines[line_no + i].split() if not split_line: i += 1 continue if len(split_line) == 2: species = split_line[0] pspot_string = split_line[1].split("/")[-1] cell["species_pot"][species] = pspot_string.replace( "()", "" ).replace("[]", "") elif db: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot parse `species_pot` block line {flines[line_no+i]} with `db=True`, " "expected a (species, pspot) pair. " "Try using `db=False` if specifying a pspot library for all species." ) elif len(split_line) == 1: cell["species_pot"]["library"] = split_line[0].upper() i += 1 if not cell["species_pot"]: cell.pop("species_pot") elif "%block cell_constraints" in line.lower(): cell["cell_constraints"] = [] for j in range(2): cell["cell_constraints"].append( list(map(int, flines[line_no + j + 1].split())) ) if ( any(len(cell["cell_constraints"][i]) != 3 for i in range(2)) or len(cell["cell_constraints"]) != 2 ): raise RuntimeError("Invalid cell constraints block.") elif "%block hubbard_u" in line.lower(): cell["hubbard_u"] = defaultdict(list) i = 0 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): line = flines[line_no + i] if line == "eV" or len(line.split()) < 3: i += 1 continue else: atom = line.split()[0] orbital = line.split()[1].replace(":", "") shift = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) atom = line.split()[0] cell["hubbard_u"][atom] = dict() cell["hubbard_u"][atom][orbital] = shift i += 1 elif "%block external_pressure" in line.lower(): cell["external_pressure"] = np.zeros((3, 3)) i = 1 j = 0 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): if not flines[line_no + i].strip()[0].isalpha(): flines[line_no + i] = flines[line_no + i].replace(",", "") vals = list(map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i].split())) if len(vals) != (3 - j): raise RuntimeError( "External pressure should be specified as upper triangular matrix." ) cell["external_pressure"][j] = np.asarray(j * [0.0] + vals).reshape( 3 ) j += 1 i += 1 cell["external_pressure"] = cell["external_pressure"].tolist() elif "%block external_efield" in line.lower(): cell["external_efield"] = [ f90_float_parse(e) for e in flines[line_no + 1].split() ] if len(cell["external_efield"]) != 3: raise RuntimeError( f"EXTERNAL_EFIELD block has wrong shape, should be 3-D not: {cell['external_efield']}" ) elif "%block ionic_constraints" in line.lower(): cell["ionic_constraints"] = [] i = 1 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): cell["ionic_constraints"].append(flines[line_no + i].strip()) i += 1 # parse kpoints elif ( "kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): if ( "spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "spectral_kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif ( "bs_kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "bs_kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif ( "supercell_kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "supercell_kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["supercell_kpoints_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif ( "phonon_kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "phonon_kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_kpoint_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif ( "phonon_fine_kpoints_mp_spacing" in line.lower() or "phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse( line.split()[-1] ) else: cell["kpoints_mp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif "kpoints_mp_grid" in line.lower() or "kpoint_mp_grid" in line.lower(): if ( "spectral_kpoints_mp_grid" in line.lower() or "spectral_kpoint_mp_grid" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_grid"] = list(map(int, line.split()[-3:])) if ( "bs_kpoints_mp_grid" in line.lower() or "bs_kpoint_mp_grid" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_grid"] = list(map(int, line.split()[-3:])) # these two keywords do not have a corresponding "kpoints" alias (instead of kpoint) # so must remain unpluralised (see below for other phonon keyword exceptions) elif ( "phonon_kpoints_mp_grid" in line.lower() or "phonon_kpoint_mp_grid" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_kpoint_mp_grid"] = list(map(int, line.split()[-3:])) elif ( "phonon_fine_kpoints_mp_grid" in line.lower() or "phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_grid" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_grid"] = list(map(int, line.split()[-3:])) else: cell["kpoints_mp_grid"] = list(map(int, line.split()[-3:])) elif "kpoints_mp_offset" in line.lower() or "kpoint_mp_offset" in line.lower(): if ( "spectral_kpoints_mp_offset" in line.lower() or "spectral_kpoint_mp_offset" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_offset"] = list( map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-3:]) ) if ( "bs_kpoints_mp_offset" in line.lower() or "bs_kpoint_mp_offset" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_mp_offset"] = list( map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-3:]) ) elif ( "phonon_kpoints_mp_offset" in line.lower() or "phonon_kpoint_mp_offset" in line.lower() ): # this is a special case where phonon_kpointS_mp_offset doesn't exist cell["phonon_kpoint_mp_offset"] = list( map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-3:]) ) elif ( "phonon_fine_kpoints_mp_offset" in line.lower() or "phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_offset" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_offset"] = list( map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-3:]) ) else: cell["kpoints_mp_offset"] = list( map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-3:]) ) elif "%block" in line.lower() and ( "_kpoints_path" in line.lower() or "_kpoint_path" in line.lower() ): if "spectral_" in line.lower() or "bs_" in line.lower(): key = "spectral_kpoints_path" elif "phonon_fine_" in line.lower(): key = "phonon_fine_kpoint_path" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Found unknown kpoint path key in line: {line}.") labels = [] found_labels = False comment_delims = ["!", "%", "#"] cell[key] = [] for line in flines[line_no + 1 :]: if "%endblock" in line.lower(): break # ignore CASTEP BREAK keyword and let dispersion script figure out discontinuities if "BREAK" in line.strip().upper(): continue cell[key].append(list(map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[:3]))) for delim in comment_delims: if delim in line: labels.append(line.split(delim)[-1].strip()) found_labels = True break else: labels.append(None) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to find closing of block {key}, missing %endblock." ) if found_labels: cell[key + "_labels"] = labels elif any( block in line.lower() for block in [ "%block spectral_kpoints_list", "%block spectral_kpoint_list", "%block bs_kpoint_list", "%block bs_kpoints_list", ] ): i = 1 cell["spectral_kpoints_list"] = [] while "%endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): cell["spectral_kpoints_list"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i].split()[:4])) ) i += 1 elif ( "%block phonon_fine_kpoints_list" in line.lower() or "%block phonon_fine_kpoint_list" in line.lower() ): i = 1 # this is a special case where phonon_fine_kpointS_list doesn't exist cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"] = [] while "%endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i].split()[:4])) ) i += 1 elif "%block phonon_supercell_matrix" in line.lower(): cell["phonon_supercell_matrix"] = [] i = 1 while "endblock" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): cell["phonon_supercell_matrix"].append( list(map(int, flines[line_no + i].split())) ) if not len(cell["phonon_supercell_matrix"][-1]) == 3: raise RuntimeError( "Supercell matrix row does not have enough elements!" ) i += 1 if not len(cell["phonon_supercell_matrix"]) == 3: raise RuntimeError("Wrong supercell matrix shape!") elif not db: if "%block positions_frac" in line.lower(): atomic_init_spins = [] i = 1 if positions: cell["atom_types"] = [] cell["positions_frac"] = [] while "%endblock positions_frac" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): line = flines[line_no + i].split() if positions: cell["atom_types"].append(line[0]) cell["positions_frac"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, line[1:4])) ) if "spin=" in flines[line_no + i].lower(): split_line = flines[line_no + i].split() atomic_init_spins.append( float(split_line[-1].lower().replace("spin=", "")) ) else: atomic_init_spins.append(None) i += 1 if any(atomic_init_spins): cell["atomic_init_spins"] = atomic_init_spins if len(cell["atomic_init_spins"]) != len(cell["positions_frac"]): raise RuntimeError("Atomic init spins do not match positions") if positions: cell["positions_frac"] = wrap_frac_coords(cell["positions_frac"]) cell["num_atoms"] = len(cell["atom_types"]) elif "%block positions_abs" in line.lower(): atomic_init_spins = [] i = 1 # avoid units if len(flines[line_no + i].split()) < 3: i += 1 if positions: cell["atom_types"] = [] cell["positions_abs"] = [] while "%endblock positions_abs" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): line = flines[line_no + i].split() if positions: cell["atom_types"].append(line[0]) cell["positions_abs"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, line[1:4])) ) if "spin=" in flines[line_no + i].lower(): split_line = flines[line_no + i].split() atomic_init_spins.append( float(split_line[-1].lower().replace("spin=", "")) ) else: atomic_init_spins.append(None) i += 1 if any(atomic_init_spins): cell["atomic_init_spins"] = atomic_init_spins if len(cell["atomic_init_spins"]) != len(cell["positions_frac"]): raise RuntimeError("Atomic init spins do not match positions") elif "fix_com" in line.lower(): cell["fix_com"] = bool(line.split()[-1]) elif "fix_all_ions" in line.lower(): cell["fix_all_ions"] = bool(line.split()[-1]) elif "fix_all_cell" in line.lower(): cell["fix_all_cell"] = bool(line.split()[-1]) elif "fix_vol" in line.lower(): cell["fix_vol"] = bool(line.split()[-1]) elif "symmetry_generate" in line.lower(): cell["symmetry_generate"] = True elif "symmetry_tol" in line.lower(): cell["symmetry_tol"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif "snap_to_symmetry" in line.lower(): cell["snap_to_symmetry"] = True elif "quantisation_axis" in line.lower(): cell["quantisation_axis"] = list(map(int, line.split()[1:])) elif "positions_noise" in line.lower(): cell["positions_noise"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif "cell_noise" in line.lower(): cell["cell_noise"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) elif ( "kpoints_path" in line.lower() or "kpoint_path" in line.lower() and "%block" not in line.lower() ): if ( "spectral_kpoints_path_spacing" in line.lower() or "spectral_kpoint_path_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_path_spacing"] = f90_float_parse( line.split()[-1] ) if ( "bs_kpoints_path_spacing" in line.lower() or "bs_kpoint_path_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["spectral_kpoints_path_spacing"] = f90_float_parse( line.split()[-1] ) elif ( "phonon_fine_kpoints_path_spacing" in line.lower() or "phonon_fine_kpoint_path_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["phonon_fine_kpoint_path_spacing"] = f90_float_parse( line.split()[-1] ) elif ( "kpoints_path_spacing" in line.lower() or "kpoint_path_spacing" in line.lower() ): cell["kpoints_path_spacing"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-1]) if "external_pressure" not in cell or not cell["external_pressure"]: cell["external_pressure"] = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] if lattice: if "lattice_cart" not in cell and "lattice_abc" in cell: cell["lattice_cart"] = abc2cart(cell["lattice_abc"]) elif "lattice_cart" in cell and "lattice_abc" not in cell: cell["lattice_abc"] = cart2abc(cell["lattice_cart"]) if "lattice_cart" in cell: cell["cell_volume"] = cart2volume(cell["lattice_cart"]) if positions: if "positions_frac" not in cell and "positions_abs" in cell: cell["positions_frac"] = cart2frac( cell["lattice_cart"], cell["positions_abs"] ) cell["positions_frac"] = wrap_frac_coords(cell["positions_frac"]) if db: for species in cell["species_pot"]: if "OTF" in cell["species_pot"][species].upper(): pspot_seed = ( "/".join(fname.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + cell["species_pot"][species] ) if os.path.isfile(pspot_seed): cell["species_pot"].update(usp2dict(pspot_seed)) return cell, True
[docs]@scraper_function def param2dict(fname, db=True, **kwargs): """Extract available information from .param file; probably to be merged with other dicts from other files. Parameters: fname (str/list): param filename or list of filenames with or without file extension Keyword arguments: db (bool): if True, only scrape relevant info, otherwise scrape all Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ from matador.utils.castep_params import CASTEP_PARAMS flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, "param") param = {} param["source"] = [fname] # exclude some useless info if importing to db scrub_list = [ "checkpoint", "write_bib", "mix_history_length", "fix_occupancy", "page_wvfns", "num_dump_cycles", "backup_interval", "geom_max_iter", "fixed_npw", "write_cell_structure", "bs_write_eigenvalues", "calculate_stress", "opt_strategy", "max_scf_cycles", ] splitters = [":", "=", "\t", " "] unrecognised = [] devel_lines = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "#" or "!" in line: line = line.split("#")[0].split("!")[0] line = line.lower() # skip blank lines and comments if line.startswith(("#", "!")) or not line.strip() or line_no in devel_lines: continue else: # if scraping to db, ignore "rubbish" if db: if [rubbish for rubbish in scrub_list if rubbish in line]: continue # read all other parameters in for splitter in splitters: if splitter in line: if not line.startswith("%"): keyword = line.split(splitter)[0].strip() value = line.split(splitter)[-1].strip() if keyword.lower() not in CASTEP_PARAMS: unrecognised.append(keyword.lower()) param[keyword] = value # deal with edge cases if "%block devel_code" in line: i = 1 while "%endblock devel_code" not in flines[line_no + i].lower(): if i + line_no >= len(flines): raise RuntimeError("Found unclosed %block devel_code.") if "magres" in flines[line_no + i].lower(): line = flines[line_no + i].upper() else: line = flines[line_no + i].lower() devel_lines.append(line_no + i) if "devel_code" not in param: param["devel_code"] = "" param["devel_code"] += line i += 1 break if "true" in value.lower(): param[keyword] = True elif "false" in value.lower(): param[keyword] = False if "spin_polarised" in line: param["spin_polarized"] = param["spin_polarised"] if "spin_polarised" in param: del param["spin_polarised"] if keyword == "geom_max_iter": param["geom_max_iter"] = int(param["geom_max_iter"]) if "cut_off_energy" in line and "mix_cut_off_energy" not in line: temp_cut_off = param["cut_off_energy"].split() if len(temp_cut_off) > 1: if temp_cut_off[1] == "ev": param["cut_off_energy"] = f90_float_parse( temp_cut_off[0] ) elif db: raise RuntimeError( "cut_off_energy units must be eV or blank in db mode, not {}".format( temp_cut_off[1] ) ) else: param["cut_off_energy"] = "{} {}".format( temp_cut_off[0], temp_cut_off[1] ) else: param["cut_off_energy"] = f90_float_parse(temp_cut_off[0]) # standardize tasks that have alternative spellings elif ( "task" in line and "spectral_task" not in line and "magres_task" not in line ): if "singlepoint" in param["task"]: param["task"] = "singlepoint" elif "geometry" in param["task"]: param["task"] = "geometryoptimization" elif "xc_functional" in line: param["xc_functional"] = param["xc_functional"].upper() elif "spin" in line and "polar" not in line and "spin" in param: param["spin"] = int(param["spin"]) elif "perc_extra_bands" in line: param["perc_extra_bands"] = f90_float_parse( param["perc_extra_bands"] ) elif "geom_force_tol" in line: param["geom_force_tol"] = f90_float_parse( param["geom_force_tol"] ) elif "elec_energy_tol" in line: temp = param["elec_energy_tol"].lower().replace("ev", "") temp = temp.strip() param["elec_energy_tol"] = f90_float_parse(temp) break if unrecognised: raise RuntimeError( "Found several unrecognised parameters: {}".format(unrecognised) ) return param, True
[docs]@scraper_function def castep2dict(fname, db=True, intermediates=False, timings=False, **kwargs): """From seed filename, create dict of the most relevant information about a calculation. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename or list of filenames of castep file(s) Keyword arguments: db (bool): whether to error on missing relaxation info intermediates (bool): instead of a single dict containing the relaxed structure return a list of snapshots found in .castep file timings (bool): Run through the CASTEP file one extra time to calculate total time taken. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic( fname, ["castep", "history", "history.gz"] ) castep = dict() # set source tag to castep file castep["source"] = [fname] # grab file owner try: import pwd castep["user"] = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(fname).st_uid).pw_name except Exception: castep["user"] = "xxx" try: get_seed_metadata(castep, fname) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn( f"There was an error scraping provenance from filename {fname}: {exc}" ) # wrangle castep file for parameters in 3 passes: # once forwards to get number and types of atoms _castep_scrape_atoms(flines, castep) # once backwards to get the final parameter set for the calculation _castep_scrape_final_parameters(flines, castep) # task specific options if db and "geometry" not in castep["task"]: raise RuntimeError("CASTEP file does not contain GO calculation") if not db and "thermo" in castep["task"].lower(): _castep_scrape_thermo_data(flines, castep) if ( not db and "thermo" in castep["task"].lower() or "phonon" in castep["task"].lower() ): _castep_scrape_phonon_frequencies(flines, castep) # only scrape snapshots/number of intermediates if requested try: snapshots, castep["geom_iter"] = _castep_scrape_all_snapshots( flines, intermediates=intermediates ) if intermediates: castep["intermediates"] = snapshots except RuntimeError as exc: if intermediates: raise RuntimeError("Failed to scrape intermediates: {}".format(exc)) if timings: _castep_scrape_metadata(flines, castep) # once more forwards, from the final step, to get the final structure _castep_scrape_final_structure(flines, castep, db=db) # scrape any BEEF post-processing _castep_scrape_beef(flines, castep) # scrape any AJM group-specific devel codes _castep_scrape_devel_code(flines, castep) if "positions_frac" not in castep or not castep["positions_frac"]: raise ComputationError("Could not find positions") # unfortunately CASTEP does not write forces when there is only one atom if ( "forces" not in castep and castep["num_atoms"] == 1 and "geometry" in castep["task"] ): castep["forces"] = [[0, 0, 0]] # finally check for pseudopotential files if OTF is present in species_pot if db: for species in castep["species_pot"]: if "OTF" in castep["species_pot"][species].upper(): pspot_seed = str( Path(fname).parent.joinpath(castep["species_pot"][species]) ) for globbed in glob.glob(pspot_seed): if os.path.isfile(globbed): castep["species_pot"].update(usp2dict(globbed)) # check that any optimized results were saved and raise errors if not if not castep.get("optimised"): castep["optimised"] = False if db: # if importing to db, skip unconverged structure raise DFTError("CASTEP GO failed to converge.") return castep, True
[docs]@scraper_function def bands2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Parse a CASTEP bands file into a dictionary, which can be used as input to an :obj:`matador.orm.spectral.ElectronicDispersion` object. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename of list of filenames to be scraped. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ from matador.utils.chem_utils import HARTREE_TO_EV, BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM bs = dict() flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, "bands") header = flines[:9] data = flines[9:] bs["source"] = [fname] bs["num_kpoints"] = int(header[0].split()[-1]) bs["num_spins"] = int(header[1].split()[-1]) bs["num_electrons"] = f90_float_parse(header[2].split()[-1]) bs["num_bands"] = int(header[3].split()[-1]) bs["spin_fermi_energy_Ha"] = [ f90_float_parse(val) for val in header[4].split()[-bs["num_spins"] :] ] bs["spin_fermi_energy"] = [ HARTREE_TO_EV * val for val in bs["spin_fermi_energy_Ha"] ] bs["fermi_energy"] = np.mean(bs["spin_fermi_energy"]) bs["lattice_cart"] = [] for i in range(3): bs["lattice_cart"].append( [BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM * f90_float_parse(elem) for elem in header[6 + i].split()] ) bs["kpoint_path"] = np.zeros((bs["num_kpoints"], 3)) bs["kpoint_weights"] = np.zeros((bs["num_kpoints"])) bs["eigenvalues_k_s"] = np.empty( (bs["num_spins"], bs["num_bands"], bs["num_kpoints"]) ) for nk in range(bs["num_kpoints"]): kpt_ind = nk * (bs["num_spins"] * bs["num_bands"] + bs["num_spins"] + 1) bs["kpoint_path"][int(data[kpt_ind].split()[1]) - 1] = np.asarray( [f90_float_parse(elem) for elem in data[kpt_ind].split()[-4:-1]] ) bs["kpoint_weights"][int(data[kpt_ind].split()[1]) - 1] = f90_float_parse( data[kpt_ind].split()[-1] ) for nb in range(bs["num_bands"]): for ns in range(bs["num_spins"]): line_number = kpt_ind + 2 + ns + (ns * bs["num_bands"]) + nb bs["eigenvalues_k_s"][ns][nb][ int(data[kpt_ind].split()[1]) - 1 ] = f90_float_parse(data[line_number].strip()) bs["eigenvalues_k_s"] *= HARTREE_TO_EV bs["eigs_s_k"] = bs["eigenvalues_k_s"] return bs, True
[docs]@scraper_function def arbitrary2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Read arbitrary CASTEP-style input files into a dictionary. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename or list of filenames. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, None) splitters = [":", "=", "\t", " "] comment_delims = ["!", "%", "#", "/*", "*/"] result = {} result["source"] = [fname] for line in flines: comment = False for delim in comment_delims: if line.strip().startswith(delim): comment = True break if not comment: for splitter in splitters: if splitter in line: keyword = line.split(splitter)[0].strip() value = line.split(splitter)[-1].strip() result[keyword.lower()] = value break return result, True
[docs]@scraper_function def optados2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Scrape optados output file (*.*.dat) or (*.pdos.*.dat) for DOS, projectors and projected DOS/dispersion. Parameters: fname (str/list): optados filename or list of filenames. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ optados = dict() is_pdos = False is_pdis = False is_spin_dos = False dos_unit_label = None flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, None) header = [] header_ind = 0 for ind, line in enumerate(flines): header_ind = ind if not line.strip().startswith("#") or "K-point" in line: break if "Partial" in line: is_pdos = True elif "spin" in line: is_spin_dos = True elif "Projected Dispersion" in line: is_pdis = True elif "DOS (" in line and "Integrated" not in line: dos_unit_label = " ".join(line.split()[2:]) else: header.append(line) flines = flines[header_ind:] if not is_pdis: data = np.loadtxt(fname, comments="#") optados["energies"] = data[:, 0] if is_pdos or is_pdis: optados["projectors"] = _optados_get_projector_labels(header) optados["num_projectors"] = len(optados["projectors"]) if dos_unit_label is not None: optados["dos_unit_label"] = dos_unit_label if is_pdos: # get pdos values optados["pdos"] = dict() optados["sum_pdos"] = np.zeros_like(data[:, 0]) for i, projector in enumerate(optados["projectors"]): # optados spin-down projectors are negative, unfortunately if "down" in projector: optados["pdos"][projector] = -data[:, i + 1] else: optados["pdos"][projector] = data[:, i + 1] optados["sum_pdos"] += data[:, i + 1] elif is_spin_dos: optados["spin_dos"] = dict() optados["spin_dos"]["up"] = data[:, 1] optados["spin_dos"]["down"] = -data[:, 2] optados["dos"] = np.abs(optados["spin_dos"]["up"]) + np.abs( optados["spin_dos"]["down"] ) elif is_pdis: optados["projector_weights"] = [] optados["kpoints"] = [] optados["eigenvalues"] = [] # get kpoints and count number of bands kpt_ind = -1 for i, line in enumerate(flines): if "K-point" in line: optados["kpoints"].append( [f90_float_parse(val) for val in line.split()[-3:]] ) if kpt_ind == -1: kpt_ind = i else: if not optados.get("num_bands"): optados["num_bands"] = i - kpt_ind - 1 optados["num_kpoints"] = len(optados["kpoints"]) for nk in range(optados["num_kpoints"]): eigs = [] pdis = [] for nb in range(0, optados["num_bands"]): eigs.append( f90_float_parse( flines[nk * (optados["num_bands"] + 1) + nb + 1].split()[0] ) ) pdis.append( [ f90_float_parse(val) for val in flines[ nk * (optados["num_bands"] + 1) + 1 + nb ].split()[1:] ] ) optados["eigenvalues"].append(eigs) optados["projector_weights"].append(pdis) optados["projector_weights"] = np.asarray(optados["projector_weights"]) else: optados["dos"] = data[:, 1] return optados, True
[docs]@scraper_function def phonon2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Parse a CASTEP phonon file into a dictionary. Parameters: fname (str/list): phonon filename or list of filenames. Returns: (tuple): containing either dict/str containing data or error, and a bool stating if the scrape was successful. """ flines, fname = get_flines_extension_agnostic(fname, ["phonon", "phonon_dos"]) ph = dict() ph["source"] = [fname] dos_present = False data_start = 0 for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): line = line.lower() if "number of ions" in line: ph["num_atoms"] = int(line.split()[-1]) elif "number of branches" in line: ph["num_modes"] = int(line.split()[-1]) ph["num_branches"] = ph["num_modes"] elif "number of wavevectors" in line: ph["num_kpoints"] = int(line.split()[-1]) elif "frequencies in" in line: ph["freq_unit"] = line.split()[-1] elif "unit cell vectors" in line: ph["lattice_cart"] = [] for i in range(3): ph["lattice_cart"].append( [f90_float_parse(elem) for elem in flines[line_no + i + 1].split()] ) ph["lattice_abc"] = cart2abc(ph["lattice_cart"]) elif "fractional co-ordinates" in line: ph["positions_frac"] = [] ph["atom_types"] = [] ph["atom_masses"] = [] i = 1 while "END header" not in flines[line_no + i]: ph["positions_frac"].append( [f90_float_parse(elem) for elem in flines[line_no + i].split()[1:4]] ) ph["atom_types"].append(flines[line_no + i].split()[-2]) ph["atom_masses"].append( f90_float_parse(flines[line_no + i].split()[-1]) ) i += 1 elif "end header" in line: data_start = line_no + 1 elif "begin dos" in line: dos_present = True projector_labels = flines[line_no].split()[5:] projector_labels = [(label, None, None) for label in projector_labels] begin_dos = line_no + 1 elif "q-pt" in line: last_qpt_ind = int(line.split()[1]) if dos_present: # extra header line with GRADIENTS written when dos is present data_start += 1 # no eigenvectors written when dos is present line_offset = ph["num_modes"] + 1 else: line_offset = ph["num_modes"] * (ph["num_atoms"] + 1) + 3 data = flines[data_start:] ph["phonon_kpoint_list"] = [] if "num_kpoints" not in ph: ph["num_kpoints"] = last_qpt_ind ph["eigenvalues_q"] = np.zeros((1, ph["num_modes"], ph["num_kpoints"])) raman_intensity = np.zeros_like(ph["eigenvalues_q"]) infrared_intensity = np.zeros_like(ph["eigenvalues_q"]) raman = False ir = False for qind in range(ph["num_kpoints"]): ph["phonon_kpoint_list"].append( [f90_float_parse(elem) for elem in data[qind * line_offset].split()[2:]] ) for i in range(1, ph["num_modes"] + 1): line_split = data[qind * line_offset + i].split() ph["eigenvalues_q"][0][i - 1][qind] = f90_float_parse(line_split[1]) if len(line_split) > 2: infrared_intensity[0][i - 1][qind] = f90_float_parse(line_split[2]) ir = True if len(line_split) > 3: raman_intensity[0][i - 1][qind] = f90_float_parse(line_split[3]) raman = True if ir: ph["infrared_intensity"] = infrared_intensity if raman: ph["raman_intensity"] = raman_intensity if dos_present: # remove header and "END" flines = flines[begin_dos:-1] raw_data = np.genfromtxt(flines) ph["energies"] = raw_data[:, 0] * INVERSE_CM_TO_EV ph["dos"] = raw_data[:, 1] ph["pdos"] = dict() ph["pdos"]["pdos"] = dict() ph["pdos"]["projectors"] = [] ph["pdos"]["energies"] = ph["energies"] for i, label in enumerate(projector_labels): ph["pdos"]["pdos"][label] = raw_data[:, i + 2] ph["pdos"]["projectors"].append(label) ph["kpoint_path"] = np.asarray([qpt[0:3] for qpt in ph["phonon_kpoint_list"]]) ph["kpoint_weights"] = [qpt[3] for qpt in ph["phonon_kpoint_list"]] ph["eigenvalues_q"] *= INVERSE_CM_TO_EV ph["softest_mode_freq"] = np.min(ph["eigenvalues_q"]) if ph["softest_mode_freq"] < -1: import warnings warnings.warn( f"File {fname} has negative eigenvalue {ph['softest_mode_freq']}." ) ph["eigs_q"] = ph["eigenvalues_q"] return ph, True
[docs]@scraper_function def phonon_dos2dict(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapper for old phonon DOS scraper, which has since been merged with `phonon2dict`. Note that this function still has a different effect to `phonon2dict` when `as_model` is used as the results will be cast into a :class:`VibrationalDOS` object. """ return phonon2dict(*args, no_wrap=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def usp2dict(fname, **kwargs): """Extract pseudopotential string from a CASTEP OTF .USP file. Parameters: fname (str/list): filename of usp file, or list of filenames. Returns: dict: partial species_pot dict from usp file. """ species_pot = dict() with open(fname, "r") as f: flines = f.readlines() for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "Pseudopotential Report" in line: i = 0 while i + line_no < len(flines) - 3: if "Pseudopotential Report" in flines[line_no + i]: i += 2 elem = flines[line_no + i].split(":")[1].split()[0] elif "core correction" in flines[line_no + i]: i += 2 species_pot[elem] = flines[line_no + i].strip().split()[1] # check next line for wrapped definition if flines[line_no + i + 1].strip().startswith("--------"): break else: species_pot[elem] += ( flines[line_no + i + 1].strip().split()[1] ) break i += 1 species_pot[elem] = species_pot[elem].replace('"', "") species_pot[elem] = species_pot[elem].replace("[]", "") return species_pot
def _castep_scrape_thermo_data(flines, castep): """Scrape the data from a CASTEP Thermodynamics claculation. Note: This only scrapes from Thermodynamics section currently, NOT Atomic Displacement Parameters Parameters: flines (list): list of lines contained in file castep (dict): dictionary to update with data Returns: dict: dictionary updated with scraped thermodynamics data in format doc['energy_type'] = {300:-0.01,200:-0.05} """ for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "Number of temperature values" in line: castep["thermo_num_temp_vals"] = int(line.split(":")[-1].strip()) elif "Initial temperature" in line: castep["thermo_temp_init"] = f90_float_parse( line.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ")[0] ) elif "Final temperature" in line: castep["thermo_temp_final"] = f90_float_parse( line.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ")[0] ) elif "Spacing between temperature values" in line: castep["thermo_temp_spacing"] = f90_float_parse( line.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ")[0] ) elif "Zero-point energy" in line: castep["thermo_zero_point_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].strip().split(" ")[0] ) elif "T(K)" and "E(eV)" in line: castep["thermo_temps"] = [] # temperatures calculation was done at castep["thermo_enthalpy"] = {} # enthalpy E(eV) castep["thermo_free_energy"] = {} # free energy F(eV) castep["thermo_entropy"] = {} # entropy S(J/mol/K) castep["thermo_heat_cap"] = {} # heat capacity Cv(J/mol/K) i = 2 while True: if not flines[line_no + i + 1].strip(): break else: temp_line = flines[line_no + i].split() castep["thermo_temps"].append(f90_float_parse(temp_line[0])) castep["thermo_enthalpy"][ f90_float_parse(temp_line[0]) ] = f90_float_parse(temp_line[1]) castep["thermo_free_energy"][ f90_float_parse(temp_line[0]) ] = f90_float_parse(temp_line[2]) castep["thermo_entropy"][ f90_float_parse(temp_line[0]) ] = f90_float_parse(temp_line[3]) castep["thermo_heat_cap"][ f90_float_parse(temp_line[0]) ] = f90_float_parse(temp_line[4]) i += 1 def _castep_scrape_phonon_frequencies(flines, castep): """Iterate through flines to scrape the phonon frequencies from this CASTEP calculation. Will only scrape the *final* set of frequencies in the CASTEP file, ignoring any others. """ phonons = {} phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"] = [] phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_weights"] = [] phonons["eigs_q"] = [] # first find the last block of frequencies for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "Performing frequency calculation at " in line: start_line_no = line_no + 2 q_pt_ind = 0 for line_no, line in enumerate(flines[start_line_no:]): if "============" in line: break if "q-pt=" in line: q_pt = [ f90_float_parse(val) for val in line.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].split() ] phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"].append(q_pt) phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_weights"].append( f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) ) phonons["eigs_q"].append([]) for _, freq_line in enumerate(flines[start_line_no:][line_no + 6 :]): if "........................." in freq_line: break phonons["eigs_q"][q_pt_ind].append( f90_float_parse(freq_line.split()[2]) ) q_pt_ind += 1 phonons["num_modes"] = len(phonons["eigs_q"][0]) phonons["eigs_q"] = np.asarray(phonons["eigs_q"]).T phonons["eigs_q"] = INVERSE_CM_TO_EV * phonons["eigs_q"].reshape( 1, *np.shape(phonons["eigs_q"]) ) phonons["kpoint_path"] = phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"] phonons["kpoint_weights"] = phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_weights"] phonons["num_kpoints"] = len(phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"]) phonons["num_qpoints"] = len(phonons["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"]) phonons["softest_mode_freq"] = np.min(phonons["eigs_q"]) if phonons["softest_mode_freq"] < -1: import warnings warnings.warn( f"File {castep['source'][0]} has negative eigenvalue {phonons['softest_mode_freq']}." ) for key in phonons: castep[key] = phonons[key] def _castep_scrape_atoms(flines, castep): """Iterate forwards through flines to scrape atomic types and initial positions, and get a preliminary lattice. Parameters: flines (list): list of lines in file castep (dict): dictionary to update with scraped data Returns: dict: dictionary updated with scraped data """ for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "Real Lattice" in line: castep["lattice_cart"] = [] i = 1 while True: if not flines[line_no + i].strip(): break else: temp_line = flines[line_no + i].split()[0:3] castep["lattice_cart"].append(list(map(f90_float_parse, temp_line))) i += 1 if "Lattice parameters" in line: castep["lattice_abc"] = [] i = 1 castep["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ flines[line_no + i].split("=")[1].strip().split(" ")[0], flines[line_no + i + 1].split("=")[1].strip().split(" ")[0], flines[line_no + i + 2].split("=")[1].strip().split(" ")[0], ], ) ) ) castep["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ flines[line_no + i].split("=")[-1].strip(), flines[line_no + i + 1].split("=")[-1].strip(), flines[line_no + i + 2].split("=")[-1].strip(), ], ) ) ) if "Current cell volume" in line: castep["cell_volume"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0].strip() ) if "atom types" not in castep and "Cell Contents" in line: castep["atom_types"] = [] castep["positions_frac"] = [] i = 1 atoms = False while True: if atoms: if "xxxxxxxxx" in flines[line_no + i]: atoms = False break else: castep["atom_types"].append(flines[line_no + i].split()[1]) castep["positions_frac"].append( list( map(f90_float_parse, (flines[line_no + i].split()[3:6])) ) ) if "x------" in flines[line_no + i]: atoms = True i += 1 for ind, pos in enumerate(castep["positions_frac"]): for k in range(3): if pos[k] > 1 or pos[k] < 0: castep["positions_frac"][ind][k] %= 1 castep["num_atoms"] = len(castep["atom_types"]) castep["stoichiometry"] = get_stoich(castep["atom_types"]) castep["num_fu"] = castep["num_atoms"] / sum( [elem[1] for elem in castep["stoichiometry"]] ) break else: raise ComputationError("Unable to find atoms in CASTEP file.") def _castep_scrape_final_parameters(flines, castep): """Scrape the DFT parameters and metadata from a CASTEP file, using those listed last in the file (i.e. those used to make the final structure). Parameters: flines (list): list of lines in the file castep (dict): dictionary in which to put scraped data Returns: dict: dictionary updated with scraped data """ pspot_report_dict = dict() for line_no, line in enumerate(reversed(flines)): line_no = len(flines) - 1 - line_no if "castep_version" not in castep and "Release CASTEP version" in line: # version is first thing printed in file, so break once this is read castep["castep_version"] = line.replace("|", "").split()[-1] break elif "date" not in castep and "Run started:" in line: try: year = line.split()[5] month = str(strptime(line.split()[4], "%b").tm_mon) day = line.split()[3] castep["date"] = day + "-" + month + "-" + year except (IndexError, ValueError): castep["date"] = "unknown" elif "_compiler_architecture" not in castep and "compiled for" in line.lower(): try: castep["_compiler_architecture"] = line.split()[2] except IndexError: castep["_compiler_architecture"] = "unknown" elif "_castep_commit" not in castep and " from code version" in line.lower(): try: castep["_castep_commit"] = " ".join( flines[line_no : line_no + 2] ).split()[3] except (IndexError, ValueError): castep["_castep_commit"] = "unknown" elif "task" not in castep and "type of calculation" in line: castep["task"] = line.split(":")[-1].strip().replace(" ", "") elif "xc_functional" not in castep and "functional" in line: # convert from .castep file xc_functional to param style xc_string = line.split(":")[-1].strip() if "Local Density Approximation" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "LDA" elif "Perdew Burke Ernzerhof" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "PBE" elif "PBE for solids" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "PBESol" elif "hybrid B3LYP" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "B3LYP" elif "hybrid HSE03" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "HSE03" elif "hybrid HSE06" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "HSE06" elif "RSCAN" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "RSCAN" elif "Screened Hartree-Fock" in xc_string: castep["xc_functional"] = "SHF-LDA" else: castep["xc_functional"] = xc_string.split(":")[-1] warnings.warn( "Unrecognised functional {xc}: scraping as {xc}." "This may lead to incompatible param files.".format( xc=castep["xc_functional"] ) ) elif "cut_off_energy" not in castep and "plane wave basis set" in line: castep["cut_off_energy"] = f90_float_parse(line.split(":")[-1].split()[0]) elif ( "finite_basis_corr" not in castep and "finite basis set correction " in line ): castep["finite_basis_corr"] = line.split(":")[-1].strip() elif "kpoints_mp_grid" not in castep and "MP grid size for SCF" in line: castep["kpoints_mp_grid"] = list( map(int, list(line.split("is")[-1].split())) ) elif "num_kpoints" not in castep and "Number of kpoints used" in line: castep["num_kpoints"] = int(line.split()[-1]) elif "geom_force_tol" not in castep and "max ionic |force| tolerance" in line: castep["geom_force_tol"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) elif ( "elec_energy_tol" not in castep and "total energy / atom convergence tol" in line ): castep["elec_energy_tol"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) elif ( "sedc_apply" not in castep and "DFT+D: Semi-empirical dispersion correction : on" in line ): castep["sedc_apply"] = True castep["sedc_scheme"] = flines[line_no + 1].split(":")[1].split()[0] elif "space_group" not in castep and "Space group of crystal" in line: space_group = line.split(":")[-1].split(",")[0].strip().replace(" ", "") if space_group: castep["space_group"] = space_group elif "nelectrons" not in castep and "number of electrons" in line: castep["nelectrons"] = f90_float_parse(line.split(":")[-1]) elif "nelectrons" not in castep and "number of bands" in line: castep["nbands"] = int(line.split(":")[-1]) elif "Cell constraints are" in line and "cell_constraints" not in castep: castep["cell_constraints"] = [ int(val) for val in line.split(":")[-1].split() ] if castep["cell_constraints"] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: del castep["cell_constraints"] elif all(val == 0 for val in castep["cell_constraints"]): castep["fix_all_cell"] = True del castep["cell_constraints"] if "cell_constraints" in castep: if len(castep["cell_constraints"]) != 6: raise RuntimeError("Unable to read cell constraints block.") castep["cell_constraints"] = [ castep["cell_constraints"][0:3], castep["cell_constraints"][3:], ] elif "external_pressure" not in castep and "External pressure/stress" in line: try: castep["external_pressure"] = [] for i in range(3): parsed_line = list( map(f90_float_parse, flines[line_no + i + 1].split()) ) if len(parsed_line) != 3: parsed_line = i * [0.0] + parsed_line castep["external_pressure"].append(parsed_line) except ValueError: castep["external_pressure"] = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] elif ( "spin_polarized" not in castep and "treating system as spin-polarized" in line ): castep["spin_polarized"] = True elif "hubbard_u" not in castep and "Hubbard U values are eV" in line: castep["hubbard_u"] = defaultdict(list) n_lines_header = 5 i = 0 while i < castep["num_atoms"]: line = flines[line_no + i + n_lines_header].strip() atom = line.split()[0].replace("|", "") shifts = list(map(f90_float_parse, line.split()[-5:-1])) for ind, shift in enumerate(shifts): if shift != 0: if atom not in castep["hubbard_u"]: castep["hubbard_u"][atom] = dict() if ind == 0: orbital = "s" elif ind == 1: orbital = "p" elif ind == 2: orbital = "d" elif ind == 3: orbital = "f" castep["hubbard_u"][atom][orbital] = shift i += 1 elif "Pseudopotential Report" in line: if "species_pot" not in castep: castep["species_pot"] = dict() i = 0 while i + line_no < len(flines) - 3: if "Pseudopotential Report" in flines[line_no + i]: i += 2 elem = flines[line_no + i].split(":")[1].split()[0] elif "core correction" in flines[line_no + i]: i += 2 if not pspot_report_dict.get(elem): castep["species_pot"][elem] = ( flines[line_no + i].split('"')[1].replace("[]", "") ) pspot_report_dict[elem] = True i += 1 elif "species_pot" not in castep and "Files used for pseudopotentials" in line: if "species_pot" not in castep: castep["species_pot"] = dict() i = 1 while True: if not flines[line_no + i].strip(): break else: elem = flines[line_no + i].split()[0].strip() if not pspot_report_dict.get(elem): castep["species_pot"][elem] = ( flines[line_no + i].split()[1].split("/")[-1] ) if castep["species_pot"][elem] == "Pseudopotential": castep["species_pot"][elem] = ( flines[line_no + i].split()[0].strip() ) castep["species_pot"][elem] += "_OTF.usp" pspot_report_dict[elem] = False i += 1 elif "peak_mem_MB" not in castep and "Peak Memory Use" in line: try: castep["peak_mem_MB"] = int(f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) / 1024) except (IndexError, ValueError): castep["peak_mem_MB"] = -1 elif ( "estimated_mem_per_process_MB" not in castep and "total storage required per process" in line ): try: castep["estimated_mem_per_process_MB"] = f90_float_parse( line.split()[-5] ) except (IndexError, ValueError): castep["estimated_mem_per_process_MB"] = 0 elif ( "num_mpi_processes" not in castep and "Calculation parallelised over" in line ): try: castep["num_mpi_processes"] = int(f90_float_parse(line.split()[3])) except Exception: castep["num_mpi_processes"] = 1 elif "num_mpi_processes" not in castep and "Calculation not parall" in line: castep["num_mpi_processes"] = 1 elif "_xc_beef" not in castep and "BEEF completed" in line: castep["_xc_beef"] = True # write zero pressure if not found in file if "external_pressure" not in castep: castep["external_pressure"] = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] if "spin_polarized" not in castep: castep["spin_polarized"] = False if "num_mpi_processes" in castep and "estimated_mem_per_process_MB" in castep: castep["estimated_mem_MB"] = ( castep["estimated_mem_per_process_MB"] * castep["num_mpi_processes"] ) def _castep_scrape_final_structure(flines, castep, db=True): """Scrape final structure from CASTEP file. Parameters: flines (list): list of lines contained in file castep (dict): dictionary to update with data Keyword arguments: db (bool): whether to enforce database style, e.g. geometry optimisation only Returns: dict: dictionary updated with scraped data """ if "task" in castep and castep["task"].strip() == "geometryoptimization": castep["optimised"] = False finish_line, castep["optimised"] = _castep_find_final_structure(flines) elif not db: finish_line = 0 final_flines = flines[finish_line + 1 :] for line_no, line in enumerate(final_flines): if "Real Lattice" in line: castep["lattice_cart"] = [] i = 1 while i < 4: if not final_flines[line_no + i].strip(): break else: temp_line = final_flines[line_no + i].split()[0:3] castep["lattice_cart"].append(list(map(f90_float_parse, temp_line))) i += 1 if "Lattice parameters" in line: castep["lattice_abc"] = [] i = 1 castep["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ final_flines[line_no + i] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], final_flines[line_no + i + 1] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], final_flines[line_no + i + 2] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], ], ) ) ) castep["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ final_flines[line_no + i].split("=")[-1].strip(), final_flines[line_no + i + 1].split("=")[-1].strip(), final_flines[line_no + i + 2].split("=")[-1].strip(), ], ) ) ) elif "Current cell volume" in line: castep["cell_volume"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0].strip() ) elif "Cell Contents" in line: castep["positions_frac"] = [] i = 1 atoms = False while True: if atoms: if "xxxxxxxxx" in final_flines[line_no + i]: atoms = False break else: temp_frac = final_flines[line_no + i].split()[3:6] castep["positions_frac"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, temp_frac)) ) if "x------" in final_flines[line_no + i]: atoms = True i += 1 # don't check if final_energy exists, as this will update for each GO step elif "Final energy =" in line or "Final energy, E" in line: castep["total_energy"] = f90_float_parse(line.split("=")[1].split()[0]) castep["total_energy_per_atom"] = ( castep["total_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif "Final free energy" in line: castep["smeared_free_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) castep["smeared_free_energy_per_atom"] = ( castep["smeared_free_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif "0K energy" in line: castep["0K_energy"] = f90_float_parse(line.split("=")[1].split()[0]) castep["0K_energy_per_atom"] = castep["0K_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] elif "(SEDC) Total Energy Correction" in line: castep["dispersion_correction_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split(":")[1].split()[0] ) elif "Dispersion corrected final energy" in line: castep["dispersion_corrected_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) castep["dispersion_corrected_energy_per_atom"] = ( castep["dispersion_corrected_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif "Dispersion corrected final free energy" in line: castep["dispersion_corrected_free_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) castep["dispersion_corrected_free_energy_per_atom"] = ( castep["dispersion_corrected_free_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif "Dispersion corrected est. 0K energy" in line: castep["dispersion_corrected_0K_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) castep["dispersion_corrected_0K_energy_per_atom"] = ( castep["dispersion_corrected_0K_energy"] / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif " Forces **" in line: if "Unconstrained" in line: force_key = "forces" elif "Constrained" in line: force_key = "constrained_forces" else: force_key = "forces" castep[force_key] = [] i = 1 forces = False while True: if forces: if "*" in final_flines[line_no + i].split()[1]: forces = False break else: castep[force_key].append([]) for j in range(3): temp = final_flines[line_no + i].replace("(cons'd)", "") castep[force_key][-1].append( f90_float_parse(temp.split()[3 + j]) ) elif "x" in final_flines[line_no + i]: i += 1 # skip next blank line forces = True i += 1 if not force_key == "constrained_forces": castep["max_force_on_atom"] = np.max( np.linalg.norm(castep[force_key], axis=-1) ) elif "Stress Tensor" in line: if "Constrained" in line: stress_key = "constrained_stress" else: stress_key = "stress" i = 1 while i < 20: if "Cartesian components" in final_flines[line_no + i]: castep[stress_key] = [] for j in range(3): castep[stress_key].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, (final_flines[line_no + i + j + 4].split()[2:5]), ) ) ) elif "Pressure" in final_flines[line_no + i]: try: castep["pressure"] = f90_float_parse( final_flines[line_no + i].split()[-2] ) except ValueError: pass break i += 1 elif "Integrated Spin Density" in line: castep["integrated_spin_density"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) elif "Integrated |Spin Density|" in line: castep["integrated_mod_spin_density"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) elif "Atomic Populations (Mulliken)" in line: # population format seems to change every CASTEP version... if float(castep.get("castep_version", 0.0)) >= 18: if castep["spin_polarized"]: castep["mulliken_spins"] = [] castep["mulliken_net_spin"] = 0.0 castep["mulliken_abs_spin"] = 0.0 castep["mulliken_charges"] = [] castep["mulliken_spins"] = [] i = 0 ind = 0 while ind < len(castep["atom_types"]): if castep["spin_polarized"]: castep["mulliken_charges"].append( f90_float_parse(final_flines[line_no + i + 4].split()[-2]) ) castep["mulliken_spins"].append( f90_float_parse(final_flines[line_no + i + 4].split()[-1]) ) castep["mulliken_net_spin"] += castep["mulliken_spins"][-1] castep["mulliken_abs_spin"] += abs(castep["mulliken_spins"][-1]) i += 2 else: castep["mulliken_charges"].append( f90_float_parse(final_flines[line_no + i + 4].split()[-1]) ) i += 1 ind += 1 elif "Final Enthalpy" in line: castep["enthalpy"] = f90_float_parse(line.split("=")[-1].split()[0]) castep["enthalpy_per_atom"] = ( f90_float_parse(line.split("=")[-1].split()[0]) / castep["num_atoms"] ) elif "Final bulk modulus" in line: try: castep["bulk_modulus"] = f90_float_parse(line.split("=")[-1].split()[0]) except ValueError: # the above will fail if bulk modulus was not printed (i.e. if it was unchanged) pass elif ( "Chemical Shielding and Electric Field Gradient Tensors".lower() in line.lower() ): i = 5 castep["chemical_shifts"] = [] while True: # break when the line containing just '=' is reached if len(flines[line_no + i].split()) == 1: break castep["chemical_shifts"].append(flines[line_no + i].split()[3]) i += 1 if len(castep["chemical_shifts"]) != len(castep["atom_types"]): raise RuntimeError( "Found fewer chemical shifts than atoms (or vice versa)!" ) # calculate kpoint spacing if not found if ( "kpoints_mp_grid" in castep and "kpoints_mp_spacing" not in castep and "lattice_cart" in castep ): castep["kpoints_mp_spacing"] = calc_mp_spacing( castep["lattice_cart"], castep["kpoints_mp_grid"], prec=4 ) return castep def _castep_scrape_metadata(flines, castep): """Scrape addtitional timing metadata from CASTEP file. Parameters: flines (list): list of lines contained in file castep (dict): dictionary to update with data Returns: dict: dictionary updated with scraped data """ # computing metadata, i.e. parallelism, time, memory, version if "total_time_secs" not in castep: castep["total_time_secs"] = 0 if "total_time_hrs" not in castep: castep["total_time_hrs"] = 0 for ind, line in enumerate(flines): if "Total time" in line and "matrix elements" not in line: try: time = f90_float_parse(line.split()[-2]) castep["total_time_secs"] += time castep["total_time_hrs"] += time / 3600 except (IndexError, ValueError): castep["final_calculation_time_secs"] = 0 elif "Calculation only took" in line: castep["_time_estimated"] = f90_float_parse(line.split()[4]) def _castep_find_final_structure(flines): """Search for info on final structure in .castep file. Parameters: flines (list): list of lines in file. Returns: int: line number in file where total energy of final structure is printed. """ optimised = False finish_line = 0 success_string = "Geometry optimization completed successfully" failure_string = "Geometry optimization failed to converge after" annoying_string = "WARNING - there is nothing to optimise - skipping relaxation" # look for final "success/failure" string in file for geometry optimisation for line_no, line in enumerate(reversed(flines)): if success_string in line: finish_line = len(flines) - line_no optimised = True break if annoying_string in line: finish_line = len(flines) - line_no optimised = True break if failure_string in line: finish_line = len(flines) - line_no optimised = False break # now wind back to get final total energies and non-symmetrised forces for count, line in enumerate(reversed(flines[:finish_line])): if "Final energy, E" in line or "Final energy =" in line: finish_line -= count + 2 break return finish_line, optimised def _castep_finalize_snapshot(snapshot: dict, intermediates: list) -> None: """Add per-atom keys to snapshot and append it to the intermediates list. Parameters: snapshot: The document containing the current snapshot. intermediates: The list of snapshots so far. """ # if positions frac or lattice didn't change (and thus weren't printed, use the last value) if "positions_frac" not in snapshot: snapshot["positions_frac"] = intermediates[-1]["positions_frac"] snapshot["atom_types"] = intermediates[-1]["atom_types"] snapshot["num_atoms"] = len(snapshot["positions_frac"]) if "lattice_cart" not in snapshot: snapshot["lattice_cart"] = intermediates[-1]["lattice_cart"] snapshot["lattice_abc"] = intermediates[-1]["lattice_abc"] snapshot["smeared_free_energy_per_atom"] = ( snapshot["smeared_free_energy"] / snapshot["num_atoms"] ) snapshot["0K_energy_per_atom"] = snapshot["0K_energy"] / snapshot["num_atoms"] snapshot["total_energy_per_atom"] = snapshot["total_energy"] / snapshot["num_atoms"] # handle single atom forces edge-case if snapshot["num_atoms"] == 1: snapshot["forces"] = [[0, 0, 0]] intermediates.append(snapshot) def _castep_scrape_all_snapshots(flines, intermediates=False): """Scrape all intermediate structures from a CASTEP file, both geometry optimisation snapshots, and repeated SCF calculations. Parameters: flines (list): list of lines of file. intermediates (bool): whether to save the snapshots or just count them. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`: list of dictionaries containing intermediate snapshots (will be empty if `intermediates` is false). int: number of completed geometry optimisation steps. """ intermediates_list = [] num_opt_steps = 0 snapshot = dict() if intermediates: for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): try: if "Cell Contents" in line or "Unit Cell" in line: if "total_energy" in snapshot: _castep_finalize_snapshot(snapshot, intermediates_list) snapshot = dict() if "Cell Contents" in line: snapshot["positions_frac"] = [] snapshot["atom_types"] = [] i = 1 atoms = False while True: if atoms: if "xxxxxxxxx" in flines[line_no + i]: atoms = False break else: temp_frac = flines[line_no + i].split()[3:6] snapshot["positions_frac"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, temp_frac)) ) snapshot["atom_types"].append( flines[line_no + i].split()[1] ) if "x------" in flines[line_no + i]: atoms = True i += 1 for ind, pos in enumerate(snapshot["positions_frac"]): for k in range(3): if pos[k] > 1 or pos[k] < 0: snapshot["positions_frac"][ind][k] %= 1 snapshot["num_atoms"] = len(snapshot["positions_frac"]) snapshot["stoichiometry"] = get_stoich(snapshot["atom_types"]) elif "Real Lattice" in line: snapshot["lattice_cart"] = [] i = 1 while True: if not flines[line_no + i].strip(): break else: temp_line = flines[line_no + i].split()[0:3] snapshot["lattice_cart"].append( list(map(f90_float_parse, temp_line)) ) i += 1 elif "Lattice parameters" in line: snapshot["lattice_abc"] = [] i = 1 snapshot["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ flines[line_no + i] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], flines[line_no + i + 1] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], flines[line_no + i + 2] .split("=")[1] .strip() .split(" ")[0], ], ) ) ) snapshot["lattice_abc"].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, [ flines[line_no + i].split("=")[-1].strip(), flines[line_no + i + 1].split("=")[-1].strip(), flines[line_no + i + 2].split("=")[-1].strip(), ], ) ) ) elif "Current cell volume" in line: snapshot["cell_volume"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0].strip() ) elif "Final energy, E" in line or "Final energy =" in line: snapshot["total_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) elif "Final free energy" in line: snapshot["smeared_free_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) elif "0K energy" in line: snapshot["0K_energy"] = f90_float_parse( line.split("=")[1].split()[0] ) elif " Forces **" in line: if "Unconstrained" in line: force_key = "forces" elif "Constrained" in line: force_key = "constrained_forces" else: force_key = "forces" snapshot[force_key] = [] i = 1 max_force = 0 forces = False while True: if forces: if "*" in flines[line_no + i].split()[1]: forces = False break else: force_on_atom = 0 snapshot[force_key].append([]) for j in range(3): temp = flines[line_no + i].replace("(cons'd)", "") force_on_atom += ( f90_float_parse(temp.split()[3 + j]) ** 2 ) snapshot[force_key][-1].append( f90_float_parse(temp.split()[3 + j]) ) if force_on_atom > max_force: max_force = force_on_atom elif "x" in flines[line_no + i]: i += 1 # skip next blank line forces = True i += 1 if not force_key == "constrained_forces": snapshot["max_force_on_atom"] = pow(max_force, 0.5) elif "Stress Tensor" in line: if "Constrained" in line: stress_key = "constrained_stress" else: stress_key = "stress" i = 1 while i < 20: if "Cartesian components" in flines[line_no + i]: snapshot[stress_key] = [] for j in range(3): snapshot[stress_key].append( list( map( f90_float_parse, (flines[line_no + i + j + 4].split()[2:5]), ) ) ) elif "Pressure" in flines[line_no + i]: snapshot["pressure"] = f90_float_parse( flines[line_no + i].split()[-2] ) break i += 1 # use only finished iterations for counting number of complete GO steps elif ": finished iteration" in line and "with enthalpy" in line: # don't include the "zeroth" step before anything has been moved if "0" not in line.split(): num_opt_steps += 1 except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError from exc else: for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): # use only finished iterations for counting number of complete GO steps if ": finished iteration" in line and "with enthalpy" in line: # don't include the "zeroth" step before anything has been moved if "0" not in line.split(): num_opt_steps += 1 return intermediates_list, num_opt_steps def _castep_scrape_beef(flines, castep): """Scrape the Bayesian error estimate output from CASTEP, storing it under the `_beef` key. Parameters: flines (list): CASTEP output flines to scrape. castep (dict): dictionary to update with BEEF output. """ if castep.get("_xc_beef"): from matador.utils.chem_utils import HARTREE_TO_EV for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if "Bayesian Error Estimate (BEE)" in line.strip(): beef_start = line_no break else: return else: return castep["_beef"] = { "thetas": [], "xc_energy": [], "total_energy": [], "total_energy_per_atom": [], "xc_energy_per_atom": [], } for line_no, line in enumerate(flines[beef_start:]): if "<-- BEEF" in line: castep["_beef"]["thetas"].append( [f90_float_parse(val) for val in line.strip().split()[1:4]] ) castep["_beef"]["xc_energy"].append( HARTREE_TO_EV * f90_float_parse(line.strip().split()[4]) ) castep["_beef"]["total_energy"].append( HARTREE_TO_EV * f90_float_parse(line.strip().split()[6]) ) castep["_beef"]["xc_energy_per_atom"].append( castep["_beef"]["xc_energy"][-1] / castep["num_atoms"] ) castep["_beef"]["total_energy_per_atom"].append( castep["_beef"]["total_energy"][-1] / castep["num_atoms"] ) if "BEEF completed" in line: break else: raise RuntimeError("End of BEEF estimate not found.") castep["_beef"]["mean_total_energy"] = np.mean(castep["_beef"]["total_energy"]) castep["_beef"]["mean_total_energy_per_atom"] = ( np.mean(castep["_beef"]["total_energy"]) / castep["num_atoms"] ) castep["_beef"]["std_dev_total_energy"] = np.std(castep["_beef"]["total_energy"]) castep["_beef"]["std_dev_total_energy_per_atom"] = ( np.std(castep["_beef"]["total_energy"]) / castep["num_atoms"] ) def _castep_scrape_devel_code(flines, castep): """Scrape the contents of the developer code block and extract any information about nanotube encapsulation. Searches for then scrapes the last occurence of "Developer Code". If nanotube information is found, the `encapsulated` flag is set to True. Parameters: flines (list): CASTEP output flines to scrape. castep (dict): dictionary to update with BEEF output. """ last_devel_code = len(flines) for line_no, line in enumerate(flines): if line.startswith(" *") and "**** Developer Code ****" in line: last_devel_code = line_no castep["devel_code"] = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(flines[last_devel_code + 1 :]): # look for end of block if "*************" in line.strip(): break line = line.strip() if line: castep["devel_code"].append(line) devel_code = "\n".join(castep["devel_code"]) if "gaussian_cylinder" in devel_code.lower(): castep["encapsulated"] = True for line in castep["devel_code"]: if "radius" in line.lower(): castep["cnt_radius"] = float(line.strip().split()[-1]) # store as string rather than list castep["devel_code"] = devel_code def _optados_get_projector_labels(header): """Get OptaDOS projector labels from a pdos.dat or pdis.dat file, returning None-padded labels as `('species', 'ang_mom', 'spin channel')`, e.g. ('Li', 's', None) or ('Cr', None, 'up'). Parameters: header (str): the file header containing projector labels. Returns: list(tuple(str, str, str)): projector labels formatted as above. """ projectors = [] for ind, line in enumerate(header): separators = ["Projector:", "Column:"] if any(sep in line for sep in separators): is_spin_pdos = "Spin" in header[ind + 1] # skip current line and column headings j = 2 elements = [] ang_mom_channels = [] spin_channels = [] # loop over file finding projector header blocks while ind + j + 1 < len(header) and not any( keyword in header[ind + j + 1] for keyword in separators ): elements.append(header[ind + j].split()[1]) ang_mom_channels.append(header[ind + j].split()[3]) if is_spin_pdos: spin_channels.append(header[ind + j].split()[4].lower()) j += 1 projector_label = [] # check that this projector contains exactly 1 species if len(set(elements)) == 1: projector_label.append(elements[0]) else: projector_label.append(None) # check that this projector has exactly 1 ang mom channel if len(set(ang_mom_channels)) == 1: projector_label.append(ang_mom_channels[0]) else: projector_label.append(None) # check that this projector has exactly 1 spin channel if len(set(spin_channels)) == 1: projector_label.append(spin_channels[0]) else: projector_label.append(None) projector_label = tuple(projector_label) projectors.append(projector_label) return projectors
[docs]def get_seed_metadata(doc, seed): """For a given document and seedname, look for ICSD CollCode, MaterialsProject IDs and DOIs to add to the document. Parameters: doc (dict): the input document. seed (str): the filename that is being scraped (sans file extension). """ errors = [] if "-CollCode-" in seed: try: doc["icsd"] = int( seed.split("CollCode-")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) elif "CollCode" in seed: try: doc["icsd"] = int( seed.split("CollCode")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) elif "-ICSD-" in seed: try: doc["icsd"] = int( seed.split("-ICSD-")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) if "-OQMD-" in seed: try: doc["oqmd_id"] = int( seed.split("-OQMD-")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) elif "-OQMD_" in seed: try: doc["oqmd_id"] = int( seed.split("-OQMD_")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) if "-MP-" in seed: try: doc["mp_id"] = int( seed.split("-MP-")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) elif "-MP_" in seed: try: doc["mp_id"] = int( seed.split("-MP_")[-1].split("-")[0].split("_")[0].split(".")[0] ) except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) if "-DOI-" in seed: try: doc["doi"] = seed.split("-DOI-")[-1].split("-")[0].replace("__", "/") except ValueError as exc: errors.append(exc) if errors: raise ValueError(errors)