Source code for matador.plotting.spectral_plotting

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This submodule contains functions to plot densities of states and
bandstructures for electronic and vibrational calculations.


import os
import copy
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matador.utils.viz_utils import get_element_colours
from matador.plotting.plotting import plotting_function
from matador.scrapers import optados2dict, phonon2dict, bands2dict, phonon_dos2dict
from matador.scrapers import cell2dict, res2dict
from matador.orm.spectral import (
from matador.utils.chem_utils import INVERSE_CM_TO_EV

__all__ = ["plot_spectral", "dos_plot", "dispersion_plot"]


[docs]@plotting_function def plot_spectral(seeds, **options): """This function wraps all of the spectral plotting capability of matador. When provided with a seed, or seeds, several files will be checked: - <seed>.bands: CASTEP bandstructure expected, not DOS, - <seed>.adaptive.dat: OptaDOS total DOS, - <seed>.pdos.dat: OptaDOS pDOS, - <seed>.pdis.dat: OptaDOS projected dispersion, or, if the "phonons" flag is passed, or if a <seed>.phonon file is detected, - <seed>.phonon: CASTEP phonon dispersion curves expected, - <seed>.phonon_dos: CASTEP phonon DOS. This function will then automatically choose what to plot, favouring a bandstructure with "the-most-projected" DOS it can find. Parameters: seeds (list): list of filenames of bands/phonon files Keyword Arguments: plot_bandstructure (bool): whether to plot bandstructure, if available plot_dos (bool): whether to plot density of states, if available plot_pdos (bool): whether or not to plot projected DOS, if available plot_pdis (bool): whether to plot projected dispersion, if available dos (str): separate seed name for pDOS/DOS data phonons (bool): whether to plot phonon or electronic data labels (list): list of strings for legend labels for multiple bandstructures gap (bool): whether to draw on the band gap external_efermi (float or list): replace scraped Fermi energy with this value (eV) (can be specified per spin channel). highlight_bands (list): list of integer indices, colour the bands with these indices in red band_colour (str): if passed "occ", bands will be coloured using cmap depending on whether they lie above or below the Fermi level. Otherwise, override all colour options with matplotlib-interpretable colour (e.g. hexcode or html colour name) to use for all bands (DEFAULT: 'occ'). band_alpha (float): transparency of plotted bands. filename (str): filename for figure saving. cmap (str): matplotlib colourmap name to use for the bands cmap_limits (tuple): fraction of cmap to use (DEFAULT: (0.2, 0.8)). unstacked_pdos (bool): whether to plot projected DOS as stack or overlapping. spin_only (str): either 'up' or 'down' to only plot one spin channel. preserve_kspace_distance (bool): whether to preserve distances in reciprocal space when linearising the kpoint path. If False, bandstructures of different lattice parameters with the same Bravais lattice can be more easily compared. If True, bandstructures may appear rarefied or compressed in particular regions. pdis_interpolation_factor (float): multiple by which to interpolate pDIS bands pdis_point_scale (float): size of points in pDIS (DEFAULT: 50). colours (list of str): list of matplotlib colours to override default colour cycle for projectors and otherwise. spin_up_colour (str): matplotlib colour to override the spin-up DOS colour. spin_down_colour (str): matplotlib colour to override the spin-up DOS colour. projectors_to_plot (str): comma-separted list of projectors to plot in the PDIS or PDOS, provided as element:orbital, e.g. "K:s,K:p,P" will plot s and p orbitals for K, and all orbitals for P. band_reorder (bool): try to reorder bands based on local gradients (DEFAULT: True for phonons, otherwise False). title (str): optional plot title pdos_hide_sum (bool): whether or not to plot the total DOS on a PDOS plot; this is to hide regions where the PDOS is negative (leading to total DOS lower than stacked PDOS) (DEFAULT: False). """ from cycler import cycler # set defaults and update class with desired values prop_defaults = { "plot_bandstructure": True, "plot_dos": True, "plot_pdos": True, "plot_pdis": True, "phonons": False, "gap": False, "external_efermi": None, "labels": None, "cmap": None, "cmap_limits": (0.2, 0.8), "band_colour": None, "spin_only": None, "figsize": None, "filename": None, "pdis_interpolation_factor": 2, "pdis_point_scale": 25, "projectors_to_plot": None, "projector_colours": None, "colours": None, "unstacked_pdos": False, "preserve_kspace_distance": False, "band_reorder": False, "title": None, "show": True, "verbosity": 0, "highlight_bands": None, "pdos_hide_sum": True, "spin_up_colour": "firebrick", "spin_down_colour": "dodgerblue", } for key in options: if options[key] is not None: prop_defaults[key] = options[key] options = prop_defaults options["projectors_to_plot"] = _parse_projectors_list( options["projectors_to_plot"] ) options["colour_cycle"] = tuple(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) if options["projector_colours"] is not None: options["colours"] = options["projector_colours"] if options["colours"] is not None: options["colour_cycle"] = options["colours"] if options.get("cmap") is None: plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler("color", options["colour_cycle"]) else: print("Adjusting colour palette... to {}".format(options.get("cmap"))) try: options["colours"] ="cmap")).colors plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler("color", options["colours"]) except AttributeError: options["colours"] = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) options["_mpl_cmap"] = plt.get_cmap(options.get("cmap")) if ( options.get("phonons") and options.get("cmap") is None and options.get("colours") is None ): options["band_colour"] = options.get("band_colour", "grey") options["band_alpha"] = options.get("band_alpha", 0.8) if not isinstance(seeds, list): seeds = [seeds] if len(seeds) > 1: if options["plot_pdis"] or options["plot_dos"]: options["plot_pdos"] = False options["plot_pdis"] = False print("Disabling projections as mutiple seeds requested.") if options.get("plot_window") is not None: if isinstance(options.get("plot_window"), list): if len(options.get("plot_window")) == 1: options["plot_window"] = ( -options["plot_window"][0], options["plot_window"][0], ) elif len(options.get("plot_window")) != 2: raise RuntimeError( f"`plot_window` must have length 2 or be a single number, not {options['plot_window']}" ) else: options["plot_window"] = (-options["plot_window"], options["plot_window"]) options["plot_window"] = sorted(options.get("plot_window")) else: options["plot_window"] = None if all(isinstance(seed, str) for seed in seeds): if options["plot_dos"]: # check an optados file exists exts = [ "pdos.dat", "adaptive.dat", "fixed.dat", "linear.dat", "jdos.dat", "phonon_dos", "bands_dos", ] options["plot_dos"] = any( [ any([os.path.isfile("{}.{}".format(seed, ext)) for ext in exts]) for seed in seeds ] ) if options["plot_pdos"]: exts = ["pdos.dat", "phonon_dos"] options["plot_pdos"] = any( [ any([os.path.isfile("{}.{}".format(seed, ext)) for ext in exts]) for seed in seeds ] ) figsize = options["figsize"] if options["plot_bandstructure"] and not options["plot_dos"]: if figsize is None: figsize = (7, 6) fig, ax_dispersion = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) elif options["plot_bandstructure"] and options["plot_dos"]: if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 6) fig, ax_grid = plt.subplots( 1, 3, figsize=figsize, sharey=True, gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [4, 2, 1], "wspace": 0.1, "left": 0.15}, ) ax_dispersion = ax_grid[0] ax_dos = ax_grid[1] ax_grid[2].axis("off") elif not options["plot_bandstructure"] and options["plot_dos"]: if figsize is None: figsize = (9, 4) fig, ax_dos = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize) else: raise RuntimeError( "No plots requested, please set either plot_dos or plot_bandstructure to True!" ) options["valence"] = options["colour_cycle"][0] options["conduction"] = options["colour_cycle"][-1] options["crossing"] = options["colour_cycle"][int(len(options["colour_cycle"]) / 2)] if len(seeds) > 1: options["ls"] = ["-"] * len(seeds) if options.get("labels") is None: try: options["labels"] = [ seed.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] for seed in seeds ] except AttributeError: options["labels"] = [seed.root_source for seed in seeds] if len(options.get("labels", [])) != len(seeds): raise RuntimeError( f"Invalid number of labels provided for {len(seeds)} seeds: {options.get('labels')}. " "Multiple labels should be comma separated." ) options["labels"] = [label.strip() for label in options["labels"]] options["ls"] = [] for i in range(len(seeds)): if i % 3 == 0: options["ls"].append("-") elif i % 3 == 1: options["ls"].append("--") elif i % 3 == 2: options["ls"].append("-.") bbox_extra_artists = [] if options["plot_bandstructure"]: ax_dispersion = dispersion_plot( seeds, ax_dispersion, options, bbox_extra_artists ) if options["plot_dos"]: ax_dos = dos_plot(seeds, ax_dos, options, bbox_extra_artists) if options.get("title") is not None: fig.suptitle(options.get("title")) if any([options.get("pdf"), options.get("svg"), options.get("png")]): if not bbox_extra_artists: bbox_extra_artists = None filename = options.get("filename") if filename is None: filename = ( seeds[0].split("/")[-1].replace(".bands", "").replace(".phonon", "") + "_spectral" ) if options.get("pdf"): plt.savefig( "{}.pdf".format(filename), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, bbox_extra_artists=bbox_extra_artists, ) if options.get("svg"): plt.savefig( "{}.svg".format(filename), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, bbox_extra_artists=bbox_extra_artists, ) if options.get("png"): plt.savefig( "{}.png".format(filename), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, bbox_extra_artists=bbox_extra_artists, ) else: plt.tight_layout() if options["show"]: print("Displaying plot...")
[docs]@plotting_function def dispersion_plot(seeds, ax_dispersion, options, bbox_extra_artists=None): """Plot a dispersion/bandstructure on the given axis. Will detect and projected dispersion data automatically. Parameters: seeds (str or list): the seedname(s) of the data to plot. ax_dispersion (matplotlib.Axes): the axis to plot on. options (dict): any plotting keywords (from e.g. dispersion script). bbox_extra_artists (list): a list to which to append legends. Returns: matplotlib.Axes: the axis that was plotted on. """ plotted_pdis = False if not isinstance(seeds, list): seeds = [seeds] if bbox_extra_artists is None: bbox_extra_artists = [] for seed_ind, seed in enumerate(seeds): if isinstance(seed, dict): if options.get("phonons"): dispersion = VibrationalDispersion(seed) else: dispersion = ElectronicDispersion(seed) elif isinstance(seed, Dispersion): dispersion = seed else: seed = seed.replace(".bands", "").replace(".phonon", "") if os.path.isfile("{}.phonon".format(seed)): dispersion, s = phonon2dict( seed + ".phonon", verbosity=options.get("verbosity") ) if not s: raise RuntimeError(dispersion) dispersion = VibrationalDispersion(dispersion) elif os.path.isfile("{}.bands".format(seed)): dispersion, s = bands2dict( seed + ".bands", verbosity=options.get("verbosity") ) if not s: raise RuntimeError(dispersion) if os.path.isfile("{}.pdis.dat".format(seed)) and options.get( "plot_pdis" ): pdis_data, s = optados2dict("{}.pdis.dat".format(seed)) if not s: raise RuntimeError(pdis_data) else: pdis_data = None dispersion = ElectronicDispersion(dispersion, projection_data=pdis_data) else: raise RuntimeError("{}.bands/.phonon not found.".format(seed)) eigs = np.array(dispersion.eigs, copy=True) if options.get("phonons"): # convert from internal eV frequencies to cm^-1 eigs /= INVERSE_CM_TO_EV if options.get("plot_window") is None: if options.get("phonons"): options["plot_window"] = [min(-10, np.min(eigs) - 10), np.max(eigs)] else: options["plot_window"] = [-10, 10] # try to match bands if requested if options.get("band_reorder"): if options.get("plot_pdis"): raise RuntimeError( "PDIS not currently compatible with post-hoc band reordering." ) print("Reordering bands based on local gradients...") eigs = Dispersion.get_band_reordering(eigs, dispersion.kpoint_branches) path = dispersion.linearise_path( preserve_kspace_distance=options.get("preserve_kspace_distance") ) if ( dispersion.projectors and len(seeds) == 1 and options.get("plot_pdis") and not options.get("phonons") ): ax_dispersion = projected_bandstructure_plot( dispersion, ax_dispersion, path, bbox_extra_artists, eigs=eigs, **options, ) options["band_colour"] = "grey" plotted_pdis = True # loop over branches and plot if not plotted_pdis: if options.get("external_efermi") is None: spin_fermi_energy = dispersion.spin_fermi_energy else: spin_fermi_energy = options.get("external_efermi") if len(spin_fermi_energy) == 1 and dispersion.num_spins != 1: spin_fermi_energy = [spin_fermi_energy] * dispersion.num_spins if options.get("cmap") is not None: cmap_limits = options.get("cmap_limits", (0.2, 0.8)) options["_mpl_cmap"] ="cmap"))( np.linspace(*cmap_limits, num=dispersion.num_bands) ) # loop over branches and plot for branch_ind, branch in enumerate(dispersion.kpoint_branches): for ns in range(dispersion.num_spins): if ns == 1 and options.get("spin_only") == "up": continue elif ns == 0 and options.get("spin_only") == "down": continue for nb in range(dispersion.num_bands): colour, alpha, label = _get_lineprops( dispersion, spin_fermi_energy, nb, ns, branch, branch_ind, seed_ind, options, eigs=eigs, ) ax_dispersion.plot( path[(np.asarray(branch) - branch_ind).tolist()], eigs[ns][nb][branch] - spin_fermi_energy[ns], c=colour, ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], alpha=alpha, label=label, ) if len(seeds) > 1 and options.get("legend", True): disp_legend = ax_dispersion.legend(loc="upper center") bbox_extra_artists.append(disp_legend) ax_dispersion.axhline(0, ls="--", lw=1, c="grey") ax_dispersion.set_ylim(options.get("plot_window")) if options.get("phonons"): ylabel = "Wavenumber (cm$^{-1}$)" else: ylabel = "Energy (eV)" ax_dispersion.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax_dispersion.set_xlim(-0.05, 1.05) _add_path_labels(seeds[-1], dispersion, ax_dispersion, path, 0, options) return ax_dispersion
[docs]@plotting_function def dos_plot(seeds, ax_dos, options, bbox_extra_artists=None): """Plot a density of states on the given axis. Will detect pDOS and spin-dependent DOS data automatically. Parameters: seeds (list): the seednames of the data to plot. ax_dos (matplotlib.Axes): the axis to plot on. options (dict): any plotting keywords (from e.g. dispersion script). bbox_extra_artists (list): a list to which to append legends. Returns: matplotlib.Axes: the axis that was plotted on. """ if bbox_extra_artists is None: bbox_extra_artists = [] if not isinstance(seeds, list): seeds = [seeds] for seed_ind, seed in enumerate(seeds): if not options.get("phonons"): dos_data = _load_electronic_dos(seed, options) if options.get("plot_window") is None: options["plot_window"] = [-10, 10] else: dos_data = _load_phonon_dos(seed, options) max_density = np.max(dos_data["dos"]) if options.get("plot_pdos") and "pdos" in dos_data: pdos_data = dos_data["pdos"] energies = np.copy(dos_data["energies"]) # change unit of phonon energies and set plot window if options.get("phonons"): energies /= INVERSE_CM_TO_EV if "pdos" in dos_data: dos_data["pdos"]["energies"] /= INVERSE_CM_TO_EV if options.get("plot_window") is None: options["plot_window"] = [ np.min(energies[np.where(dos_data["dos"] > 1e-3)]) - 10, np.max(energies[np.where(dos_data["dos"] > 1e-3)]), ] dos = dos_data["dos"] if "spin_dos" in dos_data: max_density = max( np.max( np.abs( dos_data["spin_dos"]["down"][ np.where(energies > options["plot_window"][0]) ] ) ), np.max( np.abs( dos_data["spin_dos"]["up"][ np.where(energies > options["plot_window"][0]) ] ) ), ) else: max_density = np.max( dos_data["dos"][ np.where( np.logical_and( energies < options["plot_window"][1], energies > options["plot_window"][0], ) ) ] ) # plotting pdos depends on these other factors too plotting_pdos = ( options.get("plot_pdos") and len(seeds) == 1 and not (options.get("phonons") and len(dos_data.get("pdos", [])) <= 1) ) if options.get("phonons"): ylabel = "Phonon DOS" xlabel = "Wavenumber (cm$^{{-1}}$)" else: if "dos_unit_label" in dos_data: ylabel = dos_data["dos_unit_label"].replace("A^3", "Ã…$^{3}$") else: if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): ylabel = "DOS" else: ylabel = "DOS (eV$^{{-1}}$Ã…$^{{-3}}$)" xlabel = "Energy (eV)" if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): ax_dos.set_xlabel(ylabel) ax_dos.axhline(0, c="grey", ls="--", lw=1) if "spin_dos" in dos_data: ax_dos.set_xlim(-max_density * 1.2, max_density * 1.2) else: ax_dos.set_xlim(0, max_density * 1.2) ax_dos.set_ylim(options.get("plot_window")) ax_dos.axvline(0, c="grey", lw=1) ax_dos.xaxis.set_ticks_position("none") if "spin_dos" not in dos_data: ax_dos.plot( dos, energies, ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], color="grey", zorder=1e10, label="Total DOS", ) if not options.get("plot_pdos"): ax_dos.fill_betweenx( energies[np.where(energies > 0)], 0, dos[np.where(energies > 0)], alpha=options.get("fill_alpha", 0.2), color=options.get("conduction"), ) ax_dos.fill_betweenx( energies[np.where(energies <= 0)], 0, dos[np.where(energies <= 0)], alpha=options.get("fill_alpha", 0.2), color=options.get("valence"), ) else: ax_dos.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax_dos.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax_dos.axvline(0, c="grey", lw=1, ls="--") if "spin_dos" in dos_data: ax_dos.set_ylim(-max_density * 1.2, max_density * 1.2) else: ax_dos.set_ylim(0, max_density * 1.2) ax_dos.set_xlim(options.get("plot_window")) ax_dos.axhline(0, c="grey", lw=1) if "spin_dos" not in dos_data: dos_colour = options["colour_cycle"][seed_ind] if len(seeds) > 1: label = options.get("labels")[seed_ind] else: label = "Total DOS" ax_dos.plot( energies, dos, ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], alpha=1, c=dos_colour, lw=options.get("lw", 1), zorder=1e10, label=label, ) if not plotting_pdos: ax_dos.fill_between( energies, 0, dos, alpha=options.get("fill_alpha", 0.2), color=dos_colour, ) if "spin_dos" in dos_data and not options.get("pdos_hide_sum"): if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): if options.get("spin_only") in [None, "up"]: if not plotting_pdos: ax_dos.fill_betweenx( energies, 0, dos_data["spin_dos"]["up"], alpha=options.get("fill_alpha", 0.2), color=options["spin_up_colour"], ) ax_dos.plot( dos_data["spin_dos"]["up"], energies, ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], color=options["spin_up_colour"], zorder=1e10, label="$\\uparrow$", ) if options.get("spin_only") in [None, "down"]: if not plotting_pdos: ax_dos.fill_betweenx( energies, 0, -dos_data["spin_dos"]["down"], alpha=0.2, color=options["spin_down_colour"], ) ax_dos.plot( -dos_data["spin_dos"]["down"], energies, ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], color=options["spin_down_colour"], zorder=1e10, label="$\\downarrow$", ) else: if options.get("spin_only") in [None, "up"]: ax_dos.plot( energies, dos_data["spin_dos"]["up"], ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], color=options["spin_up_colour"], zorder=1e10, label="$\\uparrow$", ) if not plotting_pdos: ax_dos.fill_between( energies, 0, dos_data["spin_dos"]["up"], alpha=0.2, color=options["spin_up_colour"], ) if options.get("spin_only") in [None, "down"]: ax_dos.plot( energies, -dos_data["spin_dos"]["down"], ls=options.get("ls", len(seeds) * ["-"])[seed_ind], color=options["spin_down_colour"], zorder=1e10, label="$\\downarrow$", ) if not plotting_pdos: ax_dos.fill_between( energies, 0, -dos_data["spin_dos"]["down"], alpha=0.2, color=options["spin_down_colour"], ) if plotting_pdos: if options.get("projectors_to_plot") is not None: pdos = dict() for projector in pdos_data["pdos"]["projectors"]: if projector in options.get("projectors_to_plot"): pdos[projector] = pdos_data["pdos"][projector] else: pdos = pdos_data["pdos"] pdos_energies = pdos_data["energies"] stacks = dict() projector_labels, dos_colours = _get_projector_info( list(pdos.keys()), colours_override=options["colour_cycle"] if options.get("colours") else None, ) unique_labels = set() for ind, projector in enumerate(pdos): # don't break PDOS label down by spin if projector_labels[ind] in unique_labels: projector_labels[ind] = "" else: unique_labels.add(projector_labels[ind]) # split stacked pdos by spin channel stack_key = None if len(projector) > 2: stack_key = projector[2] if stack_key not in stacks: stacks[stack_key] = np.zeros_like(pdos[projector]) stack = stacks[stack_key] if options.get("unstacked_pdos"): stack = 0 else: stack = stacks[stack_key] if not options.get("unstacked_pdos"): alpha = 0.8 else: alpha = 0.7 # flip sign of down spin energies for spin polarised plot if "down" in projector: pdos[projector] *= -1 if not np.max(np.abs(pdos[projector])) < 1e-8: if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): label = None if not options.get("unstacked_pdos"): ax_dos.fill_betweenx( pdos_energies, stack, stack + pdos[projector], alpha=alpha, lw=0, label=projector_labels[ind], color=dos_colours[ind], ) projector_outline_alpha = 0 else: label = projector_labels[ind] projector_outline_alpha = 1 ax_dos.plot( stack + pdos[projector], pdos_energies, alpha=projector_outline_alpha, color=dos_colours[ind], label=label, ) else: label = None if not options.get("unstacked_pdos"): ax_dos.fill_between( pdos_energies, stack, stack + pdos[projector], lw=0, alpha=alpha, label=projector_labels[ind], color=dos_colours[ind], ) projector_outline_alpha = 0 ax_dos.plot( pdos_energies, stack + pdos[projector], alpha=projector_outline_alpha, color=dos_colours[ind], label=label, ) stacks[stack_key] += pdos[projector] if not options.get("pdos_hide_sum") and options.get("unstacked_pdos"): for stack_key in stacks: if stack_key is None: label = "Sum pDOS" else: label = "Sum pDOS: spin-{}".format(stack_key) if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): ax_dos.plot( stacks[stack_key], pdos_energies, ls="--", alpha=1, color="black", zorder=1e9, label=label, ) else: ax_dos.plot( pdos_energies, stacks[stack_key], ls="--", alpha=1, color="black", zorder=1e9, label=label, ) if len(seeds) == 1 and (plotting_pdos or "spin_dos" in dos_data): if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): dos_legend = ax_dos.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) else: dos_legend = ax_dos.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), loc="center left") bbox_extra_artists.append(dos_legend) elif len(seeds) > 1 and not plotting_pdos: if options.get("plot_bandstructure"): dos_legend = ax_dos.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) else: dos_legend = ax_dos.legend(loc="upper right") return ax_dos
def projected_bandstructure_plot( dispersion, ax, path, bbox_extra_artists, eigs=None, pdis_interpolation_factor=2, pdis_point_scale=25, projectors_to_plot=None, **options, ): """Plot projected bandstructure with weightings from OptaDOS pdis.dat file. Parameters: dispersion (matador.orm.spectral.ElectronicDispersion): scraped data for bandstructure and pdis. seed (str): seed name for files to scrape. ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): axis to plot on. bbox_extra_artists (list): list to append any legends too. Keyword arguments: eigs (np.ndarray): eigenvalues for the associated Dispesion object, passed separately to allow for reordering. interpolation_factor (float): amount by which to interpolate bands. point_scale (float): rescale points by this amount projectors_to_plot (list(tuple)): list of projectors to plot. Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes: the axis that was plotted on. """ if eigs is None: eigs = dispersion.eigs_s_k if projectors_to_plot is not None: if not any( projector in dispersion.projectors for projector in projectors_to_plot ): raise RuntimeError( "None of the desired projectors {} could be found in {}".format( projectors_to_plot, dispersion.projectors ) ) _projectors_to_plot = [] _projector_inds = [] for ind, projector in enumerate(dispersion.projectors): if projector in projectors_to_plot: _projectors_to_plot.append(projector) _projector_inds.append(ind) pdis = np.zeros( (dispersion.num_kpoints, dispersion.num_bands, len(_projectors_to_plot)) ) for jnd, ind in enumerate(_projector_inds): pdis[:, :, jnd] = dispersion.projector_weights[:, :, ind] projectors = _projectors_to_plot else: pdis = np.array(dispersion.projector_weights, copy=True) projectors = copy.deepcopy(dispersion.projectors) pdis[pdis < 0] = 0 pdis[pdis > 1] = 1 keep_inds = [] for ind, _ in enumerate(projectors): if np.max(pdis[:, :, ind]) > 1e-8: keep_inds.append(ind) projector_labels, dos_colours = _get_projector_info( projectors, colours_override=options["colour_cycle"] if options.get("colours") else None, ) fermi_energy = options.get("external_efermi") or dispersion.fermi_energy _ordered_scatter( path, eigs[0].T - fermi_energy, pdis, dispersion.kpoint_branches, interpolation_factor=pdis_interpolation_factor, point_scale=pdis_point_scale, ax=ax, colours=dos_colours, ) for ind, _ in enumerate(projectors): if ind in keep_inds: ax.scatter( 1e20, 0, facecolor=dos_colours[ind], label=projector_labels[ind], lw=0 ) if not options.get("no_legend", False): legend = ax.legend(loc=1) legend.set_zorder(1e20) bbox_extra_artists.append(legend) return ax def _ordered_scatter( path, eigs, pdis, branches, ax=None, colours=None, interpolation_factor=2, point_scale=25, ): """Plots an ordered scatter plot of a projected bandstructure. Parameters: path (np.ndarray): linearised [0, 1] kpoint path array. eigs (np.ndarray): (num_kpoints x num_bands) array containing eigenvalues pdis (np.ndarray): (num_kpoints x num_bands x num_projectors) array containing projector weights. branches (list): list of branch indices, e.g. for two branches [[0,1,2], [3, 4]]. Keyword arguments: ax (matplotlib.Axes): axis to plot on colours (list): colours assigned for each projector. interpolation_factor (float): multiplier for fineness of band interpolation. """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d flat_pts_k = [] flat_pts_e = [] flat_sizes = [] flat_colours = [] flat_zorders = [] for nb in range(len(eigs[0])): for branch_ind, branch in enumerate(branches): k = path[(np.asarray(branch) - branch_ind).tolist()] projections = pdis[branch, nb] ek_fn = interp1d(k, eigs[branch, nb]) k_interp = np.linspace( np.min(k), np.max(k), num=int(interpolation_factor * len(k)) ) ek_interp = ek_fn(k_interp) projections = projections.T interp_projections = [] for i, _ in enumerate(projections): interp_projections.append(interp1d(k, projections[i])(k_interp)) projections = np.asarray(interp_projections).T pts = np.array([k_interp, ek_interp]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) if colours is not None: plot_colours = [colours[i] for i in range(len(projections[0]))] else: plot_colours = [None for i in range(len(projections[0]))] for i, _ in enumerate(projections): # use masked arrays to exclude the small projections sizes = projections[i] <= PROJECTOR_MIN, np.cumsum(projections[i]) ) # zorders should be large and negative in order to pass rasterization condition on axis zorders = 1000 * (-100 * nb - sizes) - 1e7 # this loop is slow, but will still be orders of magnitude faster than the matplotlib rendering for j in range(len(projections[i])): flat_pts_k.append(pts[i, 0, 0]) flat_pts_e.append(pts[i, 0, 1]) size = sizes[j] flat_sizes.append(point_scale * (size) ** 2) flat_colours.append(plot_colours[j]) flat_zorders.append(zorders[j]) # plot all bands in light grey as a skeleton ax.plot(pts[:, 0, 0], pts[:, 0, 1], lw=1, alpha=0.5, c="grey", zorder=0) flat_zorders = np.asarray(flat_zorders) flat_pts_k = np.asarray(flat_pts_k)[np.argsort(flat_zorders)] flat_pts_e = np.asarray(flat_pts_e)[np.argsort(flat_zorders)] flat_sizes = np.asarray(flat_sizes)[np.argsort(flat_zorders)] flat_colours = np.asarray(flat_colours)[np.argsort(flat_zorders)] ax.scatter( flat_pts_k, flat_pts_e, s=flat_sizes, c=flat_colours, marker="o", rasterized=True, ) def _get_lineprops( dispersion, spin_fermi_energy, nb, ns, branch, branch_ind, seed_ind, options, eigs=None, ): """Get the properties of the line to plot.""" if seed_ind is None: seed_ind = 0 colour = options.get("colour_cycle")[seed_ind] alpha = 1 label = None if isinstance(dispersion, ElectronicDispersion): if eigs is None: eigs = dispersion.eigs if dispersion.num_spins == 2: if ns == 0: colour = "red" alpha = 0.8 else: colour = "blue" alpha = 0.8 if options.get("band_colour") is not None: colour = options.get("band_colour") if options.get("_mpl_cmap") is not None: colour = options["_mpl_cmap"][nb] if options.get("band_alpha") is not None: alpha = options["band_alpha"] if options.get("highlight_bands") is not None: if nb in options.get("highlight_bands"): colour = "red" else: alpha = 0.5 if branch_ind == 0 and ns == 0 and nb == 0 and options.get("labels") is not None: label = options.get("labels")[seed_ind] return colour, alpha, label def _add_path_labels(seed, dispersion, ax_dispersion, path, seed_ind, options): """Scrape k-point path labels from cell file and seekpath, then add them to the plot.""" from matador.utils.cell_utils import doc2spg, get_seekpath_kpoint_path xticks = [] xticklabels = [] shear_planes = [] labelled = [] path_labels = dict() # first, try to grab them from the cell file if isinstance(seed, str) and os.path.isfile(seed + ".cell"): doc, success = cell2dict( seed + ".cell", db=False, verbosity=options.get("verbosity", 0), lattice=True, positions=True, ) if not success: print(f"Unable to scrape {seed}.cell: {doc}") doc = {} else: doc = seed if options.get("phonons"): key = "phonon_fine_kpoint_path" else: key = "spectral_kpoints_path" if key in doc and key + "_labels" in doc: for label, point in zip(doc.get(key + "_labels", []), doc.get(key, None)): path_labels[label] = point print("Detected path labels from cell file") if not path_labels: # try to get dispersion path labels from spglib/seekpath spg_structure = None if isinstance(dispersion, Dispersion): try: spg_structure = doc2spg(dispersion) except (KeyError, RuntimeError) as exc: print( f"Unable to create spglib structure from input data: skipping path labels: {exc}." ) if not spg_structure: res = False cell = False if isinstance(seed, str): if os.path.isfile(seed + ".res"): res = True elif os.path.isfile(seed + ".cell"): cell = True else: print( "Failed to find {}.cell or {}.res, will not be able to generate labels.".format( seed, seed ) ) success = False if cell: doc, success = cell2dict( seed + ".cell", db=False, verbosity=options.get("verbosity", 0), lattice=True, positions=True, ) if res and not success: doc, success = res2dict( seed + ".res", db=False, verbosity=options.get("verbosity", 0) ) if cell or res: if success: spg_structure = doc2spg(doc) else: print( "Failed to scrape {}.cell/.res, will not be able to generate labels.".format( seed ) ) if spg_structure: _, _, seekpath_results = get_seekpath_kpoint_path( spg_structure, standardize=False, explicit=False ) path_labels = seekpath_results["point_coords"] for branch_ind, branch in enumerate(dispersion.kpoint_branches): for sub_ind, ind in enumerate(branch): kpt = dispersion.kpoint_path[ind] for label, point in path_labels.items(): if np.allclose(point, kpt): if ind - branch_ind not in labelled: label = label.replace("GAMMA", r"\Gamma") label = label.replace("SIGMA", r"\Sigma") label = label.replace("DELTA", r"\Delta") label = label.replace("LAMBDA", r"\Lambda") if sub_ind == len(branch) - 1: if branch_ind < len(dispersion.kpoint_branches) - 1: _tmp = dispersion.kpoint_path next_point = _tmp[ dispersion.kpoint_branches[branch_ind + 1][0] ] for new_label, new_point in path_labels.items(): new_label = new_label.replace("GAMMA", r"\Gamma") new_label = new_label.replace("SIGMA", r"\Sigma") new_label = new_label.replace("DELTA", r"\Delta") new_label = new_label.replace("LAMBDA", r"\Lambda") # import matplotlib if np.allclose(new_point, next_point): label = "\\dfrac{{{}}}{{{}}}".format( label, new_label ) ax_dispersion.axvline( path[ind - branch_ind], ls="-", c="grey", zorder=1, lw=0.5, ) labelled.append(ind - branch_ind) shear_planes.append(ind) label = "${}$".format(label.replace("$", "")) ax_dispersion.axvline( path[ind - branch_ind], ls="--", c="grey", zorder=0, lw=0.5 ) xticklabels.append(label) xticks.append(path[ind - branch_ind]) break if isinstance(dispersion, ElectronicDispersion) and options.get("gap"): if dispersion.num_spins != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Band gap summary not implemented for multiple spin channels." ) if dispersion.band_gap > 0: vbm_pos = dispersion["band_gap_path_inds"][1] vbm = dispersion["valence_band_min"] - dispersion.fermi_energy cbm_pos = dispersion["band_gap_path_inds"][0] cbm = dispersion["conduction_band_max"] - dispersion.fermi_energy if vbm_pos != cbm_pos: vbm_offset = sum([vbm_pos > ind for ind in shear_planes]) cbm_offset = sum([cbm_pos > ind for ind in shear_planes]) ax_dispersion.plot( [path[vbm_pos - vbm_offset], path[cbm_pos - cbm_offset]], [vbm, cbm], c="blue", lw=5, alpha=0.3, zorder=0, label="indirect gap {:3.3f} eV".format(cbm - vbm), ) vbm_pos = dispersion["direct_gap_path_inds"][1] vbm = dispersion["direct_valence_band_min"] - dispersion.fermi_energy cbm_pos = dispersion["direct_gap_path_inds"][0] cbm = dispersion["direct_conduction_band_max"] - dispersion.fermi_energy vbm_offset = sum([vbm_pos > ind for ind in shear_planes]) cbm_offset = sum([cbm_pos > ind for ind in shear_planes]) ax_dispersion.plot( [path[vbm_pos - vbm_offset], path[cbm_pos - cbm_offset]], [vbm, cbm], c="red", lw=5, alpha=0.3, zorder=0, label="direct gap {:3.3f} eV".format(cbm - vbm), ) if not options.get("no_legend", False): ax_dispersion.legend( loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=2, handlelength=1, ) if seed_ind == 0: ax_dispersion.set_xticks(xticks) ax_dispersion.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ax_dispersion.grid(False) def _get_projector_info(projectors, colours_override=None): """Grab appropriate colours and labels from a list of projectors. Parameters: projectors (list): list containing (element_str, l_channel) tuples. Returns: list: list of projector labels, e.g. {element_str}-${l_channel}$. list: list of colours for density of states, derived from vesta colours. """ element_colours = get_element_colours() projector_labels = [] dos_colours = {} all_species = set(proj[0] for proj in projectors) for ind, projector in enumerate(projectors): # pad out projectors for e.g. phonon case species = projector[0] if len(projector) > 1: ang_mom = projector[1] else: ang_mom = None if len(projector) > 2: spin = projector[2] else: spin = None # (species, None, None) if species is not None and ang_mom is None and spin is None: projector_label = species # (None, ang mom, None) if species is None and ang_mom is not None and spin is None: projector_label = "${}$".format(ang_mom) # (None, None, spin) elif species is None and ang_mom is None and spin is not None: projector_label = "" # (species, ang_mom, None/spin) elif species is not None and ang_mom is not None: projector_label = "{} (${}$)".format(species, ang_mom) # (species, None, None/spin) elif species is not None and ang_mom is None: projector_label = "{}".format(species) # (None, ang_mom, None/spin) elif species is None and ang_mom is not None: projector_label = "${}$".format(ang_mom) # (species, ang_mom, None/spin) else: projector_label = "{} (${}$)".format(species, ang_mom) projector_labels.append(projector_label) dos_colour = None # if species-projected only, then use VESTA colours if species is not None and ang_mom is None: dos_colour = element_colours.get(projector[0]) # if species_ang-projected, then use VESTA colours but lightened elif len(all_species) > 1 and species is not None and ang_mom is not None: dos_colour = copy.deepcopy(element_colours.get(projector[0])) multi = ["s", "p", "d", "f"].index(projector[1]) - 1 for jind, _ in enumerate(dos_colour): dos_colour[jind] = max(min(dos_colour[jind] + multi * 0.2, 1), 0) # otherwise if just ang-projected, use colour_cycle if dos_colour is None: dos_colour = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])[ind] if colours_override: try: dos_colour = colours_override[ind] except IndexError: pass # always want to use the same colour for spin projectors, # so collect them in a spin-agnostic way and then unfold into # list before returning spinless_projector = (species, ang_mom) if spinless_projector not in dos_colours: dos_colours[spinless_projector] = dos_colour dos_colours = [ dos_colours[(species, ang_mom)] for (species, ang_mom, _) in projectors ] return projector_labels, dos_colours def _load_electronic_dos(seed, options): """Try to obtain electronic DOS data, either from files, or as a dictionary. Parameters: seed (str/dict): either a filename or dictionary containing dos data. options (dict): plotting options. Returns: ElectronicDOS object containing scraped data. """ if isinstance(seed, dict): return ElectronicDOS(seed) if isinstance(seed, ElectronicDOS): return seed seed = seed.replace(".bands", "") if options.get("dos") is None: # look for dat files, and just use the first # bands_dos should only be used as a last resort exts = ["adaptive.dat", "fixed.dat", "linear.dat", "pdos.dat", "bands_dos"] for ext in exts: if os.path.isfile("{}.{}".format(seed, ext)): dos_seed = "{}.{}".format(seed, ext) break else: raise RuntimeError("No total DOS files found.") else: dos_seed = options.get("dos") # If bands_dos exists, do some manual broadening: # .bands_dos is a file written by run3 when doing a # full spectral calculation, it is simply the .bands # file output from a DOS calculation if dos_seed.endswith(".bands_dos"): dos_data, s = bands2dict(dos_seed) gaussian_width = options.get("gaussian_width", 0.1) dos_data["dos"], dos_data["energies"] = DensityOfStates.bands_as_dos( dos_data, gaussian_width=gaussian_width ) if isinstance(dos_data["dos"], dict): dos_data["spin_dos"] = dos_data["dos"] del dos_data["dos"] else: dos_data, s = optados2dict(dos_seed, verbosity=0) if dos_seed.endswith("pdos.dat"): _dos_data = {} _dos_data["pdos"] = dos_data dos_data = _dos_data # if a pdos.dat file is found, add it to the dos_data under the pdos key if not dos_seed.endswith("pdos.dat") and os.path.isfile(f"{seed}.pdos.dat"): pdos_data, s = optados2dict(f"{seed}.pdos.dat", verbosity=0) if not s: raise RuntimeError(pdos_data) dos_data["pdos"] = pdos_data if not s: raise RuntimeError(dos_data) return ElectronicDOS(dos_data) def _load_phonon_dos(seed, options): """Try to obtain phonon DOS data, either from files, or as a dictionary. Parameters: seed (str/dict): either a filename or dictionary containing dos data. options (dict): plotting options. Returns: VibrationalDOS object containing scraped data. """ if isinstance(seed, dict): return VibrationalDOS(seed) if isinstance(seed, DensityOfStates): return seed # otherwise, just read the phonon_dos file dos_data, s = phonon_dos2dict(seed + ".phonon_dos") if not s: raise RuntimeError(dos_data) return VibrationalDOS(dos_data) def _parse_projectors_list(projectors): """Convert CLI args into the appropriate projector, ignoring spin channels. Parameters: projectors (str): a string of comma-separated element:orbital pairs. If the colon is omitted, all orbitals will be used. Returns: list(tuple): list of projectors in format [(element, orbital, spin)]. """ if projectors is None: return None _projectors = [] orbitals = ["s", "p", "d", "f"] for projector in projectors.split(","): if ":" not in projector: element = projector for orbital in orbitals: _projectors.append((element, orbital, None)) _projectors.append((element, None, None)) else: element = projector.split(":")[0] orbital = projector.split(":")[1] _projectors.append((element, orbital, None)) return _projectors