Source code for matador.plotting.plotting

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This submodule implements some useful auxiliary routines for use in
the other plotting functions, and some generic routines for plotting
simple (x, y) line data (e.g. pair distribution functions), or lists of
(x, y) data against some third parameter (e.g. powder x-ray spectrum vs


SAVE_EXTS = ["pdf", "png", "svg"]
MATADOR_STYLE = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1]) + "/../config/matador.mplstyle"

[docs]def set_style(style=None): """Set the matplotlib style for all future plots, manually. This will conflict with the context manager used by the `plotting_function` wrapper. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if style is None or style == "matador": style = MATADOR_STYLE if not isinstance(style, list): style = [style] # apply multiple compound styles, if present for styles in style:
[docs]def plotting_function(function): """Wrapper for plotting functions to safely fail on X-forwarding errors and handle the plot style context manager. """ from functools import wraps from matador.utils.print_utils import print_warning, print_failure from matador.config import load_custom_settings @wraps(function) def wrapped_plot_function(*args, **kwargs): """Wrap and return the plotting function.""" saving = False result = None # if we're going to be saving a figure, switch to Agg to avoid X-forwarding try: for arg in args: if arg.savefig: import matplotlib # don't warn as backend might have been set externally by e.g. Jupyter matplotlib.use("Agg", force=False) saving = True break except AttributeError: pass if not saving: if any(kwargs.get(ext) for ext in SAVE_EXTS): import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg", force=False) saving = True settings = load_custom_settings( kwargs.get("config_fname"), quiet=True, no_quickstart=True ) try: style = settings.get("plotting", {}).get("default_style") if kwargs.get("style"): style = kwargs["style"] if style is not None and not isinstance(style, list): style = [style] if style is None: style = ["matador"] if "matador" in style: for ind, styles in enumerate(style): if styles == "matador": style[ind] = MATADOR_STYLE # now actually call the function set_style(style) result = function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if "TclError" not in type(exc).__name__: raise exc print_failure("Caught exception: {}".format(type(exc).__name__)) print_warning("Error message was: {}".format(exc)) print_warning("This is probably an X-forwarding error") print_failure("Skipping plot...") return result return wrapped_plot_function
[docs]def get_linear_cmap(colours, num_colours=100, list_only=False): """Create a linear colormap from a list of colours. Parameters: colours (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of fractional RGB/hex values of colours Keyword arguments: num_colours (int): number of colours in resulting cmap list_only (bool): return only a list of colours Returns: :obj:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` or :obj:`list`: returns list of colours if `list_only` is True, otherwise :obj:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`. """ import numpy as np from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, to_rgb colours = [to_rgb(colour) for colour in colours] uniq_colours = [] _colours = [tuple(colour) for colour in colours] for colour in _colours: if colour not in uniq_colours: uniq_colours.append(colour) _colours = uniq_colours linear_cmap = [] repeat = int(num_colours / len(_colours)) for ind, colour in enumerate(_colours): if ind == len(_colours) - 1: break diff = np.asarray(_colours[ind + 1]) - np.asarray(_colours[ind]) diff_norm = diff / repeat for i in range(repeat): linear_cmap.append(np.asarray(colour) + i * diff_norm) if list_only: return linear_cmap return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("linear_cmap", linear_cmap, N=num_colours)
[docs]class XYvsZPlot: """This class wraps plotting (x, y) lines against a third variable. """ def __init__(self, xys, zs, y_scale=1.0, **kwargs): """Construct plot from data. Parameters: xys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` or numpy.ndarray): list or array of data to be plotted. For N lines of M samples, this can be provided as an (N, M, 2) or (2, M, N) array, or corresponding list/sublist format. zs (:obj:`list`): third parameter to plot lines against. The y-values are rescaled relative to the maximum across all lines so that no lines overlap (this can be overridden using offset_factor keyword). Keyword arguments: y_scale (float): controls the scale factor between the arbitrary y-scale and the z-scale. """ import numpy as np self.plot_kwargs = kwargs _xys = np.asarray(xys) shape = np.shape(_xys) if shape[0] != 2 and shape[-1] != 2: raise RuntimeError( "Data of shape {} is not compatible with XYvsZPlot.".format(shape) ) if shape[0] == 2: _xys = _xys.T self._xs = _xys[:, :, 0] self._ys = _xys[:, :, 1] self._zs = np.asarray(zs).flatten() if len(self._zs) != np.shape(self._xs)[0]: raise RuntimeError("x/y and z data do not match in shape!") self._y_scale = y_scale self.plot(**self.plot_kwargs) @property def y_scale(self): return self._y_scale @y_scale.setter def y_scale(self, value): """Reset the y_scale and replot.""" self._y_scale = value self.plot(**self.plot_kwargs)
[docs] def get_plot(self): return self.fig,
[docs] @plotting_function def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Actually plot the data and optionally save it.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(len(self._xs)): ax.plot(self._xs[i, :], self._y_scale * self._ys[i, :] + self._zs[i]) self.fig = fig = ax