Source code for matador.plotting.misc_plotting

from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from matador.plotting.plotting import get_linear_cmap, plotting_function

[docs]@plotting_function def plot_relative_diffs( structure_map, structure_comparator, categories, field, ax=None, x_field="concentration", category_labels=None, field_label=None, x_field_label=None, colour_by_index=1, cbar_label=None, diff_type="rel", invert=False, colour_by=None, figsize=None, colourbar=True, ): """Plot relative and absolute differences between fields for a set of structures computed at different levels of theory/accuracy. """ if ax is None: _, axes = plt.subplots( 1, len(categories) - 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=True, sharey=True ) else: axes = [ax] if category_labels is None: category_labels = categories if field_label is None: field_label = f"change in {field.replace('_', ' ')}" if diff_type == "rel": field_label = "% " + field_label if x_field_label is None: x_field_label = x_field.replace("_", " ") if len(categories) > 2: raise RuntimeError("Cannot plot more than two categories simultaneously.") try: len(axes) except Exception: axes = [axes] for ax in axes: ax.set_ylabel(field_label) ax.set_xlabel(x_field_label) ax.axhline(0, ls="--", c="grey", alpha=0.5) x = [] for s in structure_comparator: x.append(structure_map[s][categories[0]][x_field]) if colour_by is not None: colour_by_x = [] for s in structure_comparator: colour_by_x.append( structure_comparator[s] .get(categories[colour_by_index], {}) .get(colour_by) ) else: colour_by_x = None ys = defaultdict(list) if diff_type in ("abs", "rel"): for s in structure_comparator: for label in categories[1:]: ys[label].append( structure_comparator[s].get(label, {}).get(f"{diff_type}_{field}") ) else: for s in structure_comparator: for label in categories[1:]: ys[label].append(structure_comparator[s].get(label, {}).get(field)) for ind, (label, y) in enumerate(ys.items()): if diff_type == "rel": y = [100 * yv if yv is not None else None for yv in y] if invert: y = [-1 * yv if yv is not None else None for yv in y] colour_by_x = np.array(colour_by_x, dtype=np.float64) x = np.array(x)[np.where(~np.isnan(colour_by_x))] y = np.array(y)[np.where(~np.isnan(colour_by_x))] colour_by_x = colour_by_x[np.where(~np.isnan(colour_by_x))] order = np.argsort(colour_by_x)[::-1] y = y[order] x = x[order] colour_by_x = colour_by_x[order] norm = None ticks = None default_cmap = "viridis" extend = None if colour_by == "hull_distance": norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(0.01, 1, clip=True) ticks = [0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64] colours = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) default_cmap = get_linear_cmap(colours[1:4], list_only=False) extend = "both" hull_points = np.where(colour_by_x <= 0.0) if x_field == "concentration": x = np.array(x).flatten() y = np.array(y).flatten() axes[ind].plot( x[hull_points][np.argsort(x[hull_points])], y[hull_points][np.argsort(x[hull_points])], c="k", zorder=1e10, lw=2, markeredgecolor="k", markerfacecolor=colours[1], marker="o", markersize=np.sqrt(40), markeredgewidth=1.5, alpha=1, ) else: axes[ind].scatter( np.array(x)[hull_points], np.array(y)[hull_points], c=colours[1], zorder=1e10, lw=1.5, edgecolor="k", norm=norm, alpha=1, ) scatter = axes[ind].scatter( x, y, cmap=default_cmap, c=colour_by_x, zorder=-1, alpha=0.8, ) axes[ind].set_title(f"{category_labels[0]} vs {category_labels[ind+1]}") if colour_by_x is not None and colourbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(scatter, aspect=30, pad=0.02, extend=extend, ticks=ticks) if ticks:"minor", length=0) if cbar_label is None and colour_by is not None: cbar_label = colour_by.replace("_", " ") cbar.set_label(cbar_label) if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] return axes