Source code for matador.plotting.hull_plotting

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This submodule contains functions to plot convex hulls and phase
diagrams generally.


from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from matador.utils.chem_utils import get_stoich_from_formula, get_formula_from_stoich
from matador.utils.viz_utils import (
from matador.plotting.plotting import plotting_function, get_linear_cmap, SAVE_EXTS

EPS = 1e-12

__all__ = [

def _get_hull_labels(hull, label_cutoff=None, num_species=None, exclude_edges=True):
    """Return list of structures to labels on phase diagram.

        hull (matador.hull.QueryConvexHull): phase diagram to plot.

    Keyword arguments:
        num_species (int): structures containing this number of species
            will be labelled.
        exclude_edges (bool): ignore any structure that has zero of any
            chemical potential (i.e the edge of the hull).

        label_cursor (list(dict)): list of matador documents to label.

    if label_cutoff is None:
        label_cutoff = 0.0
    if isinstance(label_cutoff, list) and len(label_cutoff) == 2:
        label_cutoff = sorted(label_cutoff)
        # first, only apply upper limit as we need to filter by stoich aftewards
        label_cursor = [
            doc for doc in hull.cursor if doc["hull_distance"] <= label_cutoff[1]
        if isinstance(label_cutoff, list):
            assert (
                len(label_cutoff) == 1
            ), "Incorrect number of label_cutoff values passed, should be 1 or 2."
            label_cutoff = label_cutoff[0]
        label_cursor = [
            doc for doc in hull.cursor if doc["hull_distance"] <= label_cutoff + EPS

    label_cursor = sorted(label_cursor, key=lambda _: _["hull_distance"], reverse=False)

    num_labels = len(
        {get_formula_from_stoich(doc["stoichiometry"]) for doc in label_cursor}
    if num_labels < len(label_cursor):
        tmp_cursor = []
        for doc in label_cursor:
            if doc["stoichiometry"] not in [
                _doc["stoichiometry"] for _doc in tmp_cursor
                label_cursor = tmp_cursor
    if isinstance(label_cutoff, list) and len(label_cutoff) == 2:
        # now apply lower limit
        label_cursor = [
            for doc in label_cursor
            if label_cutoff[0] <= doc["hull_distance"] <= label_cutoff[1]
    # remove chemical potentials and unwanted e.g. binaries
    if num_species is not None:
        label_cursor = [
            doc for doc in label_cursor if len(doc["stoichiometry"]) == num_species
    if exclude_edges:
        label_cursor = [
            for doc in label_cursor
            if (all(doc["concentration"]) > 0 and sum(doc["concentration"]) <= 1 - EPS)

    label_cursor = sorted(label_cursor, key=lambda doc: doc["concentration"])

    return label_cursor

[docs]@plotting_function def plot_2d_hull( hull, ax=None, show=True, plot_points=True, plot_tie_line=True, plot_hull_points=True, labels=None, label_cutoff=None, colour_by_source=False, sources=None, hull_label=None, source_labels=None, title=True, plot_fname=None, show_cbar=True, colour_by_composition=False, label_offset=(1, 0.1), specific_label_offset=None, eform_limits=None, legend_kwargs=None, hull_dist_unit="meV", **kwargs, ): """Plot calculated hull, returning ax and fig objects for further editing. Parameters: hull (matador.hull.QueryConvexHull): matador hull object. Keyword arguments: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): an existing axis on which to plot, show (bool): whether or not to display the plot in an X window, plot_points (bool): whether or not to display off-hull structures, plot_hull_points (bool): whether or not to display on-hull structures, labels (bool): whether to label formulae of hull structures, also read from hull.args. label_cutoff (float/:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`float`): draw labels less than or between these distances form the hull, also read from hull.args. specific_label_offset (dict): A dictionary keyed by chemical formula strings containing 2-length float tuples of label offsets. A value of `None` for a particular formula will exclude that label from the plot. colour_by_source (bool): plot and label points by their sources show_cbar: Whether or not to plot the hull distance colourbar. alpha (float): alpha value of points when colour_by_source is True sources (list): list of possible provenances to colour when colour_by_source is True (others will be grey) title (str/bool): whether to include a plot title. png/pdf/svg (bool): whether or not to write the plot to a file. plot_fname (str): filename to write plot to, without file extension. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: matplotlib axis with plot. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors # cache the specific label offset dict _specific_label_offset = None if specific_label_offset: _specific_label_offset = dict(specific_label_offset) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if not hasattr(hull, "colours"): hull.colours = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) hull.default_cmap_list = get_linear_cmap(hull.colours[1:4], list_only=True) hull.default_cmap = get_linear_cmap(hull.colours[1:4], list_only=False) if colour_by_composition: try: element_colours = [get_element_colours()[s] for s in hull.species] except Exception: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot `colour_by_composition`: no colour found for species {hull.species}." ) conc_cmap = get_linear_cmap(element_colours, list_only=False) if labels is None: labels = hull.args.get("labels", False) if label_cutoff is None: label_cutoff = hull.args.get("label_cutoff") scale = 1 scatter = [] chempot_labels = [ get_formula_from_stoich(get_stoich_from_formula(species, sort=False), tex=True) for species in hull.species ] tie_line = hull.convex_hull.points[hull.convex_hull.vertices] # plot hull structures if plot_hull_points: if colour_by_composition: hull_point_scale = 75 edgewidth = 1.5 edgecolor = kwargs.get("markeredgecolor", "black") else: hull_point_scale = 40 edgewidth = 1.5 edgecolor = kwargs.get("markeredgecolor", "black") if colour_by_composition: point_colours = tie_line[:, 0] cmap = conc_cmap else: point_colours = hull.colours[1] cmap = None ax.scatter( tie_line[:, 0], tie_line[:, 1], c=point_colours, cmap=cmap, marker="o", zorder=99999, edgecolor=edgecolor, s=scale * hull_point_scale, lw=edgewidth, ) if plot_tie_line: ax.plot( np.sort(tie_line[:, 0]), tie_line[np.argsort(tie_line[:, 0]), 1], c=hull.colours[0], zorder=1, label=hull_label, marker="o", markerfacecolor=hull.colours[0], markeredgecolor=edgecolor, markeredgewidth=edgewidth, markersize=np.sqrt(scale * hull_point_scale), ) if plot_tie_line: ax.plot( np.sort(tie_line[:, 0]), tie_line[np.argsort(tie_line[:, 0]), 1], c=hull.colours[0], zorder=1, label=hull_label, markersize=0, ) if hull.hull_cutoff > 0: ax.plot( np.sort(tie_line[:, 0]), tie_line[np.argsort(tie_line[:, 0]), 1] + hull.hull_cutoff, "--", c=hull.colours[1], alpha=0.5, zorder=1, label="", ) # annotate hull structures if labels or label_cutoff is not None: label_cursor = _get_hull_labels(hull, num_species=2, label_cutoff=label_cutoff) already_labelled = [] for ind, doc in enumerate(label_cursor): formula = get_formula_from_stoich(doc["stoichiometry"], sort=True) if formula not in already_labelled: arrowprops = dict( arrowstyle="-|>", facecolor="k", edgecolor="k", lw=2, alpha=1, zorder=1, shrinkA=2, shrinkB=4, ) min_comp = tie_line[np.argmin(tie_line[:, 1]), 0] e_f = label_cursor[ind]["formation_" + str(hull.energy_key)] conc = label_cursor[ind]["concentration"][0] if conc < min_comp: position = (0.8 * conc, label_offset[0] * (e_f - label_offset[1])) elif label_cursor[ind]["concentration"][0] == min_comp: position = (conc, label_offset[0] * (e_f - label_offset[1])) else: position = ( min(1.1 * conc + 0.15, 0.95), label_offset[0] * (e_f - label_offset[1]), ) position = ( min(1.05 * conc + 0.15, 0.95), label_offset[0] * (e_f - label_offset[1]), ) if _specific_label_offset: plain_formula = get_formula_from_stoich( doc["stoichiometry"], tex=False ) if plain_formula in _specific_label_offset: offset = _specific_label_offset.pop(plain_formula) if offset is None: continue position = (position[0] + offset[0], position[1] + offset[1]) if colour_by_composition: text_colour = conc_cmap(conc) else: text_colour = "k" ax.annotate( get_formula_from_stoich( doc["stoichiometry"], latex_sub_style=r"\mathregular", tex=True, elements=hull.species, sort=False, ), xy=(conc, e_f), xytext=position, color=text_colour, textcoords="data", ha="right", va="bottom", arrowprops=arrowprops, zorder=1, ) already_labelled.append(formula) if _specific_label_offset: import warnings warnings.warn(f"Found unused requested offsets: {_specific_label_offset}") # points for off hull structures; we either colour by source or by energy if plot_points and not colour_by_source: if hull.hull_cutoff == 0: # if no specified hull cutoff, ignore labels and colour by hull distance if plot_points: concs = hull.structures[np.argsort(hull.hull_dist), 0][::-1] energies = (hull.structures[np.argsort(hull.hull_dist), -1][::-1],) if colour_by_composition: point_colours = concs norm = None cmap = conc_cmap else: point_colours = np.sort(hull.hull_dist)[::-1] norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(0.01, 1, clip=True) cmap = hull.default_cmap scatter = ax.scatter( concs, energies, s=scale * 40, c=point_colours, zorder=100, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, rasterized=True, ) if show_cbar: ticks = [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64] cbar = plt.colorbar( scatter, aspect=30, pad=0.02, ticks=ticks, extend="both" ) if hull_dist_unit.lower() == "mev": ticks = [int(1000 * t) for t in ticks]"minor", length=0) unit = "eV/atom" if hull_dist_unit.lower() == "mev": unit = "m" + unit cbar.set_label(f"Distance from hull ({unit})") elif hull.hull_cutoff != 0: # if specified hull cutoff colour those below c = hull.colours[1] for ind in range(len(hull.structures)): if hull.hull_dist[ind] <= hull.hull_cutoff or hull.hull_cutoff == 0: if plot_points: scatter.append( ax.scatter( hull.structures[ind, 0], hull.structures[ind, 1], s=scale * 40, alpha=0.9, c=c, zorder=300, ) ) if plot_points: ax.scatter( hull.structures[1:-1, 0], hull.structures[1:-1, 1], s=scale * 30, lw=0, alpha=0.3, c=hull.colours[-2], edgecolor="k", zorder=10, rasterized=True, ) elif colour_by_source: _scatter_plot_by_source( hull, ax, scale, kwargs, sources=sources, source_labels=source_labels, plot_hull_points=plot_hull_points, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs, ) if eform_limits is None: eform_limits = (np.min(hull.structures[:, 1]), np.max(hull.structures[:, 1])) lims = ( -0.1 if eform_limits[0] >= 0 else 1.25 * eform_limits[0], eform_limits[1] if eform_limits[0] >= 0 else 0.05, ) else: lims = sorted(eform_limits) ax.set_ylim(lims) if isinstance(title, bool) and title: if hull._non_elemental: ax.set_title( r"({d[0]})$_\mathrm{{x}}$({d[1]})$_\mathrm{{1-x}}$".format( d=chempot_labels ) ) else: ax.set_title( r"{d[0]}$_\mathrm{{x}}${d[1]}$_\mathrm{{1-x}}$".format(d=chempot_labels) ) elif isinstance(title, str) and title != "": ax.set_title(title) if hull._non_elemental: ax.set_xlabel( r"x in ({d[0]})$_\mathrm{{x}}$({d[1]})$_\mathrm{{1-x}}$".format( d=chempot_labels ) ) else: ax.set_xlabel( r"x in {d[0]}$_\mathrm{{x}}${d[1]}$_\mathrm{{1-x}}$".format( d=chempot_labels ) ) ax.set_xlim(-0.05, 1.05) ax.set_ylabel("Formation energy (eV/atom)") if hull.savefig or any([kwargs.get(ext) for ext in SAVE_EXTS]): import os fname = plot_fname or "".join(hull.species) + "_hull" for ext in SAVE_EXTS: if hull.args.get(ext) or kwargs.get(ext): fname_tmp = fname ind = 0 while os.path.isfile("{}.{}".format(fname_tmp, ext)): ind += 1 fname_tmp = fname + str(ind) fname = fname_tmp plt.savefig( "{}.{}".format(fname, ext), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True ) print("Wrote {}.{}".format(fname, ext)) return ax
[docs]@plotting_function def plot_ensemble_hull( hull, data_key, ax=None, formation_energy_key="formation_enthalpy_per_atom", plot_points=False, plot_hull_points=True, alpha_scale=0.25, plot_hulls=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot and generate an ensemble of hulls. If axis not requested, a histogram of frequency of a particular concentration appearing on the convex hull is also generated as a second axis. Parameters: hull (QueryConvexHull): hull object created with a cursor that contains the data key for all entries in hull.cursor. data_key (str): the key under which ensemble data is stored. Keyword arguments: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): matplotlib axis object on which to plot. formation_energy_key (str): the key under which formation energies have been stored. alpha_scale (float): value by which to scale transparency of hulls. plot_points (bool): whether to plot the hull points for each hull in the ensemble. plot_hulls (bool): whether to plot the hull tie-lines for each hull in the ensemble. voltages (bool): compute average voltage and heatmaps. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) n_hulls = len(hull.phase_diagrams) plot_2d_hull( hull, ax=ax, plot_points=False, plot_hull_points=True, show=False, **kwargs ) min_ef = 0 colours_list = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) alpha = min([1, max([1 / (alpha_scale * n_hulls), 0.01])]) for ind, _ in enumerate(hull.phase_diagrams): hull_cursor = [ doc for doc in hull.cursor if doc[data_key]["hull_distance"][ind] <= 0.0 + EPS ] min_ef = np.min( [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor] + [min_ef] ) if plot_hulls: ax.plot( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull_cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor], alpha=alpha, c="k", lw=0.5, zorder=0, ) if plot_hull_points: ax.scatter( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull_cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor], alpha=alpha, marker="o", c=colours_list[1], lw=0, zorder=0, ) if plot_points: ax.scatter( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull.cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull.cursor], alpha=alpha, marker="o", c="k", s=5, lw=0, zorder=0, ) ax.set_ylim(1.1 * min_ef)
[docs]@plotting_function def plot_temperature_hull( hull, cmap="plasma", cmap_limits=(0.2, 0.8), ax=None, formation_energy_key="formation_free_energy_per_atom", plot_points=False, show_cbar=True, plot_hull_points=True, alpha_scale=1, lw_scale=1, plot_hulls=True, plot_fname=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot and generate an ensemble of hulls. If axis not requested, a histogram of frequency of a particular concentration appearing on the convex hull is also generated as a second axis. Parameters: hull (QueryConvexHull): hull object created with a cursor that contains the data key for all entries in hull.cursor. Keyword arguments: ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): matplotlib axis object on which to plot. formation_energy_key (str): the key under which formation energies have been stored. alpha_scale (float): value by which to scale transparency of hulls. plot_points (bool): whether to plot the hull points for each hull in the ensemble. plot_hulls (bool): whether to plot the hull tie-lines for each hull in the ensemble. voltages (bool): compute average voltage and heatmaps. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex data_key = hull.data_key if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) n_hulls = len(hull.phase_diagrams) colours = [ rgb2hex(col) for col in*cmap_limits, n_hulls)).tolist() ] min_ef = 0 alpha = alpha_scale # hack the energy key so that labels work _cached_key = hull.energy_key hull.energy_key = hull.chempot_energy_key max_temperature = max(hull.temperatures) # set up initial plot without plotting tie line ax = plot_2d_hull( hull, ax=ax, plot_tie_line=False, plot_points=False, plot_hull_points=False, show=False, **kwargs, ) hull.energy_key = _cached_key ax.plot( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull.hull_cursor], [doc["formation_" + hull.chempot_energy_key] for doc in hull.hull_cursor], marker="o", alpha=1, c="k", lw=2 * lw_scale, ls="--", label="Static", zorder=1e5, ) ind = 0 hull_cursor = [ doc for doc in hull.cursor if doc[data_key]["hull_distance"][ind] <= 0.0 + EPS ] ax.plot( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull_cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor], marker="o", c=colours[ind], lw=2 * lw_scale, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="k", ls="--", zorder=1e5, label="Static + ZPE", ) # plot remaining temperatures for ind, _ in enumerate(hull.temperatures[1:]): hull_cursor = [ doc for doc in hull.cursor if doc[data_key]["hull_distance"][ind] <= 0.0 + EPS ] min_ef = np.min( [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor] + [min_ef] ) colour_ind = int(n_hulls * hull.temperatures[ind] / max_temperature) if plot_hulls: ax.plot( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull_cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor], alpha=alpha, c=colours[colour_ind], lw=1 * lw_scale, zorder=0, ) if plot_hull_points: ax.scatter( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull_cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull_cursor], alpha=1, marker="o", c=colours[colour_ind], lw=0.5, edgecolor="k", label="Structures on hull" if ind == n_hulls - 2 else None, zorder=1e4, ) if plot_points: ax.scatter( [doc["concentration"][0] for doc in hull.cursor], [doc[data_key][formation_energy_key][ind] for doc in hull.cursor], label="Structures above hull" if ind == n_hulls - 2 else None, alpha=1, marker="o", edgecolor="w", c=colours[colour_ind], lw=0.5, zorder=1e-3, ) ax.set_ylim(1.1 * min_ef) if show_cbar: import matplotlib.colors mappable = cmap=matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("cut", colours), norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.max(hull.temperatures)), ) mappable._A = hull.temperatures cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable, alpha=alpha)"right") cbar.outline.set_visible(False) cbar.set_label("Temperature (K)") if hull.savefig or any(kwargs.get(ext) for ext in SAVE_EXTS): if plot_fname is not None: fname = plot_fname else: fname = "".join(hull.species) + data_key + "_hull" for ext in SAVE_EXTS: if hull.args.get(ext) or kwargs.get(ext): plt.savefig( "{}.{}".format(fname, ext), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True ) print("Wrote {}.{}".format(fname, ext)) ax.legend() return ax
[docs]@plotting_function def plot_ternary_hull( hull, axis=None, show=True, plot_points=True, hull_cutoff=None, fig_height=None, fig_width=None, label_cutoff=None, label_corners=True, expecting_cbar=True, labels=None, plot_fname=None, colour_points_by="hull_distance", hull_dist_unit="meV", efmap=None, sampmap=None, concmap=None, capmap=None, pathways=False, scale_override=None, label_spacing=0.05, label_offset=0.8, **kwargs, ): """Plot calculated ternary hull as a 2D projection. Parameters: hull (matador.hull.QueryConvexHull): matador hull object. Keyword arguments: axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): matplotlib axis object on which to plot. show (bool): whether or not to show plot in X window. plot_points (bool): whether or not to plot each structure as a point. colour_points_by (str): either `hull_distance` or `concentration`. label_cutoff (float/:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`float`): draw labels less than or between these distances form the hull, also read from hull.args. expecting_cbar (bool): whether or not to space out the plot to preserve aspect ratio if a colourbar is present. labels (bool): whether or not to label on-hull structures label_corners (bool): whether or not to put axis labels on corners or edges. label_offset (float): Location of the top left rcorner of the labels. label_spacing (float): Spacing between label list. hull_dist_unit (str): either "eV" or "meV", png/pdf/svg (bool): whether or not to write the plot to a file. plot_fname (str): filename to write plot to. efmap (bool/str): plot heatmap of formation energy, sampmap (bool/str): plot heatmap showing sampling density, concmap (bool/str): colour background by concentration and VESTA colours capmap (bool/str): plot heatmap showing gravimetric capacity. pathways (bool): plot the pathway from the starting electrode to active ion. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: matplotlib axis with plot. """ import ternary import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors from matador.utils.chem_utils import get_generic_grav_capacity _colour_points_by_values = ("hull_distance", "concentration") if colour_points_by not in _colour_points_by_values: raise RuntimeError( f"colour_points_by` must be in {_colour_points_by_values}, not {colour_points_by}" ) if efmap is None: efmap = hull.args.get("efmap") if sampmap is None: sampmap = hull.args.get("sampmap") if capmap is None: capmap = hull.args.get("capmap") if pathways is None: pathways = hull.args.get("pathways") if labels is None: labels = hull.args.get("labels") if label_cutoff is None: label_cutoff = hull.args.get("label_cutoff") if label_cutoff is None: label_cutoff = 0 else: labels = True _hull_cutoff = 0.1 if hull_cutoff is not None: _hull_cutoff = hull_cutoff elif hull.hull_cutoff is not None: _hull_cutoff = hull.hull_cutoff hull_cutoff = _hull_cutoff print("Plotting ternary hull...") if capmap or efmap or concmap: scale = 100 elif sampmap: scale = 25 else: scale = 1 if scale_override: scale = scale_override if axis is not None: fig, ax = ternary.figure(scale=scale, ax=axis) else: fig, ax = ternary.figure(scale=scale) # maintain aspect ratio of triangle if fig_height is None: _user_height = plt.rcParams.get("figure.figsize", (8, 6))[0] else: _user_height = fig_height if fig_width is None: if capmap or efmap or sampmap: _user_width = 8 / 5 * _user_height elif not expecting_cbar: _user_width = _user_height else: _user_width = 6.67 / 5 * _user_height else: _user_width = fig_width fig.set_size_inches(_user_width, _user_height) ax.boundary(linewidth=2.0, zorder=99) ax.get_axes().axis("off") ax.clear_matplotlib_ticks() chempot_labels = [ get_formula_from_stoich( get_stoich_from_formula(species, sort=False), sort=False, tex=True ) for species in hull.species ] ax.gridlines(color="black", multiple=scale * 0.1, linewidth=0.5) ticks = [float(val) for val in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)] element_colours = [get_element_colours()[s] for s in hull.species] if label_corners: # remove 0 and 1 ticks when labelling corners ticks = ticks[1:-1] ax.left_corner_label( chempot_labels[2], fontsize="x-large", color=element_colours[2] ) ax.right_corner_label( chempot_labels[0], fontsize="x-large", color=element_colours[0] ) ax.top_corner_label( chempot_labels[1], fontsize="x-large", color=element_colours[1], offset=0.16 ) else: ax.left_axis_label(chempot_labels[2], fontsize="large", offset=0.12) ax.right_axis_label(chempot_labels[1], fontsize="large", offset=0.12) ax.bottom_axis_label(chempot_labels[0], fontsize="large", offset=0.08) ax.set_title( "-".join(["{}".format(label) for label in chempot_labels]), fontsize="large", y=1.02, ) ax.ticks( axis="lbr", linewidth=1, offset=0.025, fontsize="medium", locations=(scale * np.asarray(ticks)).tolist(), ticks=ticks, tick_formats="%.1f", ) concs = np.zeros((len(hull.structures), 3)) concs[:, :-1] = hull.structures[:, :-1] for i in range(len(concs)): # set third triangular coordinate concs[i, -1] = 1 - concs[i, 0] - concs[i, 1] stable = concs[np.where(hull.hull_dist <= 0 + EPS)] # sort by hull distances so things are plotting the right order concs = concs[np.argsort(hull.hull_dist)].tolist() hull_dist = np.sort(hull.hull_dist) filtered_concs = [] filtered_hull_dists = [] for ind, conc in enumerate(concs): if conc not in filtered_concs: if hull_dist[ind] <= hull_cutoff: filtered_concs.append(conc) filtered_hull_dists.append(hull_dist[ind]) unfiltered_concs = None if sampmap: unfiltered_concs = np.asarray(concs) concs = np.asarray(filtered_concs) hull_dist = np.asarray(filtered_hull_dists) min_cut = 0.0 max_cut = 0.1 if hull_dist_unit.lower() == "mev": hull_dist *= 1000 min_cut *= 1000 max_cut *= 1000 if not hasattr(hull, "colours"): hull.colours = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) hull.default_cmap_list = get_linear_cmap(hull.colours[1:4], list_only=True) hull.default_cmap = get_linear_cmap(hull.colours[1:4], list_only=False) n_colours = len(hull.default_cmap_list) colours_hull = hull.default_cmap_list cmap = hull.default_cmap for plane in hull.convex_hull.planes: plane.append(plane[0]) plane = np.asarray(plane) ax.plot( scale * plane, c=kwargs.get("tielinecolor", hull.colours[0]), lw=1.5, alpha=1, zorder=98, ) if pathways: for phase in stable: if phase[0] == 0 and phase[1] != 0 and phase[2] != 0: ax.plot( [scale * phase, [scale, 0, 0]], c="r", alpha=0.2, lw=6, zorder=99 ) # add points if plot_points: colours_list = [] colour_metric = hull_dist conc_colours = [] for i, _ in enumerate(colour_metric): if colour_points_by == "concentration": conc_colours.append( colour_from_ternary_concentration(concs[i], hull.species) ) if hull_dist[i] >= max_cut: colours_list.append(n_colours - 1) elif hull_dist[i] <= min_cut: colours_list.append(0) else: colours_list.append(int((n_colours - 1) * (hull_dist[i] / max_cut))) colours_list = np.asarray(colours_list) if colour_points_by == "concentration": colours = [ colour_from_ternary_concentration(stable[i], hull.species) for i in range(len(stable)) ] else: colours = hull.colours[1] # Plot stable points ax.scatter( scale * stable, marker="o", color=colours, edgecolors=kwargs.get("markeredgecolor", "black"), zorder=9999999, s=150, lw=1.5, ) # Plot unstable points for i, _ in enumerate(concs): if colour_points_by == "concentration": c = conc_colours[i] else: c = colours_hull[colours_list[i]] ax.scatter( scale * concs[i].reshape(1, 3), color=c, marker="o", zorder=10000 - colours_list[i], s=70 * (1 - float(colours_list[i]) / n_colours) + 15, lw=1, edgecolors=kwargs.get("markeredgecolor", "black"), ) # Test points for colourbar normalization if colour_points_by == "hull_distance": ax.scatter( scale * concs, colormap=cmap, colorbar=(colour_points_by == "hull_distance"), cbarlabel="Distance from hull ({}eV/atom)".format( "m" if hull_dist_unit.lower() == "mev" else "" ), c=colour_metric, vmax=max_cut, vmin=min_cut, zorder=1000, s=40, alpha=0, ) # Set up legend in case of colour by concentration elif colour_points_by == "concentration": labelled_hull_dists = [0, 25, 100] for dist in labelled_hull_dists: if dist != 0: size = ( 70 * (1 - int((n_colours - 1) * (dist / max_cut)) / n_colours) + 15 ) lw = 1 else: size = 150 lw = 1.5 ax.scatter( [[scale, 0, 0]], color="lightgrey", marker="o", zorder=0, s=size, lw=lw, label=f"{dist:.0f} meV/atom", edgecolors="grey", ) ax.legend(title="Hull distance", fontsize="medium") # Add colourmaps for backgrounds if capmap: capacities = dict() from ternary.helpers import simplex_iterator for (i, j, k) in simplex_iterator(scale): capacities[(i, j, k)] = get_generic_grav_capacity( [float(i) / scale, float(j) / scale, float(scale - i - j) / scale], hull.species, ) if not isinstance(capmap, str): capmap = "Pastel2" cmap_full = if cmap_full.N < 255: cmap_full = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( capmap, cmap_full.colors ) ax.heatmap( capacities, style="hexagonal", cbarlabel="Gravimetric capacity (mAh/g)", vmin=0, vmax=3000, cmap=cmap_full, ) elif efmap: energies = dict() fake_structures = [] from ternary.helpers import simplex_iterator for (i, j, k) in simplex_iterator(scale): fake_structures.append([float(i) / scale, float(j) / scale, 0.0]) fake_structures = np.asarray(fake_structures) plane_energies = hull.get_hull_distances(fake_structures, precompute=False) ind = 0 for (i, j, k) in simplex_iterator(scale): energies[(i, j, k)] = -1 * plane_energies[ind] ind += 1 if not isinstance(efmap, str): efmap = "BuPu_r" ax.heatmap( energies, style="hexagonal", cbarlabel="Formation energy (eV/atom)", vmax=0, cmap=efmap, ) elif sampmap: if not isinstance(sampmap, str): sampmap = "plasma" sampling = dict() from ternary.helpers import simplex_iterator eps = 1.0 / float(scale) for (i, j, k) in simplex_iterator(scale): sampling[(i, j, k)] = np.size( np.where( (unfiltered_concs[:, 0] <= float(i) / scale + eps) * (unfiltered_concs[:, 0] >= float(i) / scale - eps) * (unfiltered_concs[:, 1] <= float(j) / scale + eps) * (unfiltered_concs[:, 1] >= float(j) / scale - eps) * (unfiltered_concs[:, 2] <= float(k) / scale + eps) * (unfiltered_concs[:, 2] >= float(k) / scale - eps) ) ) ax.heatmap( sampling, style="hexagonal", cbarlabel="Number of structures", cmap=sampmap, ) elif concmap: concs = dict() from ternary.helpers import simplex_iterator for (i, j, k) in simplex_iterator(scale): colour = colour_from_ternary_concentration( [float(i) / scale, float(j) / scale, float(k) / scale], hull.species, alpha=0.5, ) concs[(i, j, k)] = colour ax.heatmap(concs, style="hexagonal", use_rgba=True, colorbar=False) # add labels if labels: label_cursor = _get_hull_labels(hull, label_cutoff=label_cutoff, num_species=3) label_coords = [ [0.0, label_offset - i * label_spacing] for i in range(len(label_cursor)) ] for ind, doc in enumerate(label_cursor): conc = np.asarray(doc["concentration"] + [1 - sum(doc["concentration"])]) label = get_formula_from_stoich( doc["stoichiometry"], sort=False, tex=True, latex_sub_style=r"\mathregular", elements=hull.species, ) if label_cutoff > 0 and doc["hull_distance"] > EPS: label += f' ({1000 * doc["hull_distance"]:.1f} meV/atom)' arrowprops = dict( arrowstyle="-|>", lw=2, alpha=0, zorder=1, shrinkA=2, shrinkB=4 ) if colour_points_by == "concentration": text_colour = colour_from_ternary_concentration(conc, hull.species) else: text_colour = "k" ax.annotate( label, scale * conc, textcoords="data", xytext=[scale * val for val in label_coords[ind]], ha="left", va="bottom", color=text_colour, arrowprops=arrowprops, ) plt.tight_layout(w_pad=0.2) # important for retaining labels if exporting to PDF # see"equal", adjustable="box") ax._redraw_labels() # noqa if hull.savefig or any(kwargs.get(ext) for ext in SAVE_EXTS): fname = plot_fname or "".join(hull.species) + "_hull" for ext in SAVE_EXTS: if hull.args.get(ext) or kwargs.get(ext): plt.savefig( "{}.{}".format(fname, ext), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True ) print("Wrote {}.{}".format(fname, ext)) elif show: print("Showing plot...") return ax
def _scatter_plot_by_source( hull, ax, scale, kwargs, sources=None, source_labels=None, plot_hull_points=True, legend_kwargs=None, ): """Add scatter points to the hull depending on the guessed provenance of a structure. """ from matador.utils.cursor_utils import get_guess_doc_provenance if sources is None: sources = [ "AIRSS", "GA", "OQMD", "SWAPS", "ICSD", "DOI", "SM", "MP", "PF", "Other", ] if source_labels is None: source_labels = sources else: assert len(source_labels) == len(sources) if "Other" not in sources: sources.append("Other") source_labels.append("Other") # hack: double length of hull colours hull.colours.extend(hull.colours) colour_choices = { source: hull.colours[ind + 1] for ind, source in enumerate(sources) } points_by_source = {source: defaultdict(list) for source in sources} hull_points_by_source = {source: defaultdict(list) for source in sources} sources_present = set() for doc in hull.cursor: source = get_guess_doc_provenance(doc["source"]) if source not in sources: # use grey for undesired sources source = "Other" if doc["hull_distance"] <= 0 + 2e-3 and not plot_hull_points: hull_points_by_source[source]["concs"].append(doc["concentration"]) hull_points_by_source[source]["energies"].append( doc["formation_{}".format(hull.energy_key)] ) else: points_by_source[source]["concs"].append(doc["concentration"]) points_by_source[source]["energies"].append( doc["formation_{}".format(hull.energy_key)] ) sources_present.add(source) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha") if alpha is None: alpha = 0.2 legend_sources = {} for source in sources: if "concs" not in points_by_source[source]: continue concs = points_by_source[source]["concs"] energies = points_by_source[source]["energies"] ax.scatter( concs, energies, c=colour_choices[source], alpha=alpha, s=scale * 20, lw=0, zorder=100, rasterized=True, ) legend_sources[source] = colour_choices[source] hull_point_options = dict(edgecolor="k", alpha=1, s=scale * 40, lw=1.5, zorder=1e5) if not plot_hull_points: for source in sources: if "concs" not in hull_points_by_source[source]: continue concs = hull_points_by_source[source]["concs"] energies = hull_points_by_source[source]["energies"] ax.scatter( concs, energies, facecolor=colour_choices[source], **hull_point_options ) legend_sources[source] = colour_choices[source] for ind, source in enumerate(sources): if source in legend_sources: ax.scatter( 1e10, 1e10, facecolor=legend_sources[source], label=source_labels[ind], **hull_point_options, ) if legend_kwargs is not None: legend = ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) else: legend = ax.legend(ncol=2) legend.set_zorder(1e20) return ax