Source code for matador.export.export

# coding: utf-8
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

""" This file implements functions that write files from matador
documents or Crystal objects.

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pymongo as pm

from matador.utils.cell_utils import cart2abcstar, frac2cart, cart2abc
from matador.utils.cell_utils import abc2cart, calc_mp_grid
from matador.utils.cursor_utils import display_results
from matador.utils.chem_utils import (
from matador.swaps import AtomicSwapper
from .utils import file_writer_function, generate_relevant_path, generate_hash

EPS = 1e-8

[docs]def query2files( cursor, dirname=None, top=None, prefix=None, cell=None, param=None, res=None, pdb=None, json=None, xsf=None, markdown=True, max_files=None, latex=False, subcmd=None, argstr=None, **kwargs ): """Many-to-many convenience function for many structures being written to many file types. Parameters: cursor (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`/:class:`AtomicSwapper`): list of matador dictionaries to write out. Keyword arguments: dirname (str): the folder to save the results into. Will be created if non-existent. Will have integer appended to it if already existing. **kwargs (dict): dictionary of {filetype: bool(whether to write)}. Accepted file types are cell, param, res, pdb, json, xsf, markdown and latex. """ prefix = prefix + "-" if prefix is not None else "" if max_files is not None: print("`max_files` kwarg now does nothing.") if isinstance(cursor, AtomicSwapper): cursor = cursor.cursor subcmd = "swaps" if subcmd in ["polish", "swaps"]: info = False hash_dupe = False else: info = True hash_dupe = False num = None if top is not None: if top < num: num = top if dirname is None: dirname = generate_relevant_path(subcmd=subcmd, **kwargs) _dir = False dir_counter = 0 # postfix integer on end of directory name if it exists while not _dir: if dir_counter != 0: directory = dirname + str(dir_counter) else: directory = dirname if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) _dir = True else: dir_counter += 1 for _, doc in enumerate(cursor[:num]): # generate an appropriate filename for the structure root_source = get_root_source(doc) if "_swapped_stoichiometry" in doc: formula = get_formula_from_stoich(doc["_swapped_stoichiometry"]) else: formula = get_formula_from_stoich(doc["stoichiometry"]) if subcmd == "swaps": root_source = root_source.replace("-swap-", "-") name = root_source if "OQMD " in root_source: name = "{formula}-OQMD_{src}".format( formula=formula, src=root_source.split(" ")[-1] ) elif "mp-" in root_source: name = "{formula}-MP_{src}".format( formula=formula, src=root_source.split("-")[-1] ) if "icsd" in doc and "CollCode" not in name: name += "-CollCode{}".format(doc["icsd"]) else: pf_id = None for source in doc["source"]: if "pf-" in source: pf_id = source.split("-")[-1] break else: if "pf_ids" in doc: pf_id = doc["pf_ids"][0] if pf_id is not None: name += "-PF-{}".format(pf_id) # if swaps, prepend new composition if subcmd == "swaps": new_formula = get_formula_from_stoich(get_stoich(doc["atom_types"])) name = "{}-swap-{}".format(new_formula, name) path = "{directory}/{prefix}{name}".format( directory=directory, prefix=prefix, name=name ) if param: doc2param(doc, path, hash_dupe=hash_dupe) if cell: doc2cell(doc, path, hash_dupe=hash_dupe) if res: doc2res(doc, path, info=info, hash_dupe=hash_dupe) if json: doc2json(doc, path, hash_dupe=hash_dupe) if pdb: doc2pdb(doc, path, hash_dupe=hash_dupe) if xsf: doc2xsf(doc, path) hull = subcmd in ["hull", "voltage"] if isinstance(cursor, pm.cursor.Cursor): cursor.rewind() md_path = "{directory}/{directory}.md".format(directory=directory) md_kwargs = {} md_kwargs.update(kwargs) md_kwargs.update({"markdown": True, "latex": False, "argstr": argstr, "hull": hull}) md_string = display_results(cursor, **md_kwargs) with open(md_path, "w") as f: f.write(md_string) if latex: if isinstance(cursor, pm.cursor.Cursor): cursor.rewind() tex_path = "{directory}/{directory}.tex".format(directory=directory) tex_kwargs = {} tex_kwargs.update(kwargs) tex_kwargs.update( {"latex": True, "markdown": False, "argstr": argstr, "hull": hull} ) tex_string = display_results(cursor, **tex_kwargs) with open(tex_path, "w") as f: f.write(tex_string)
[docs]@file_writer_function def doc2param(doc, path, overwrite=False, hash_dupe=False, spin=False): """Write basic .param file from single doc. Parameters: doc (dict): the document to write out to file path (str): the desired path to file Keyword arguments: spin (bool): enforce breaking of spin symmetry to magic number of 5. overwrite (bool): whether or not to overwrite colliding files. hash_dupe (bool): whether or not to create a unique filename for any colliding files, or just skip writing them. Returns: list, str: list of strings to write to file, with implicit newlines, and the required file extension. """ from matador.utils.castep_params import CASTEP_PARAMS, CASTEP_VERSION param_set = set(CASTEP_PARAMS) param_dict = dict() for param in [param for param in param_set if param in doc]: param_dict[param] = doc[param] flines = [] flines.append( "# Param file generated by matador (Matthew Evans 2016)\n# CASTEP version {} parameter set".format( CASTEP_VERSION ) ) if isinstance(spin, bool): if spin: spin = 5 else: spin = None skip_keywords = ["nbands", "nelectrons"] for kw in skip_keywords: if kw in doc: param_dict.pop(kw) if spin is not None and not doc.get("spin_polarized"): param_dict["spin_polarized"] = True if param_dict.get("spin_polarized"): total_spin = None if "atomic_init_spins" in doc: total_spin = sum([val for val in doc["atomic_init_spins"] if val]) elif spin is not None: total_spin = spin if total_spin is not None: flines.append("{0:30}: {1}".format("spin", total_spin)) for param in param_dict: if param not in ["source", "devel_code"]: if param in ["basis_precision"] and "cut_off_energy" in param_dict: continue flines.append("{0:30}: {1}".format(param, param_dict[param])) if "encapsulated" in doc and doc["encapsulated"]: try: from implicit_cnts import implicit_cnt_params cnt_params = implicit_cnt_params(doc["cnt_radius"]) flines.append("%BLOCK DEVEL_CODE") flines.append('ADD_EXT_LOCPOT: "gaussian_cylinder"') flines.append("1D_STRESS_TENSOR: True") flines.append("gaussian_cylinder_pot:") flines.append( 'V0 = {V0}\nradius = {radius}\nbroadening = {fwhm}\naxial = "0 0 1"\ncentre = "0.5 0.5 0"\n'.format( **cnt_params ) ) flines.append(":endgaussian_cylinder_pot") flines.append("%ENDBLOCK DEVEL_CODE") except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "Failed to import implicit_cnt_params from pyairss, so not writing " "implicit cnt parameters from .res file to .param file." ) from exc if "devel_code" in param_dict: flines.append("\n%BLOCK DEVEL_CODE") flines.append(param_dict["devel_code"].strip()) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK DEVEL_CODE") ext = "param" return flines, ext
[docs]@file_writer_function def doc2cell(doc, path, overwrite=False, hash_dupe=False, spin=False): """Write .cell file for single doc. Parameters: doc (dict): the document to write to file path (str): the desired path to the file Keyword Arguments: overwrite (bool): whether or not to overwrite colliding files. hash_dupe (bool): whether or not to create a unique filename for any colliding files, or just skip writing them. spin (bool): break spin symmetry with magic number 5 on first atom Returns: list, str: list of strings to write to file, with implicit newlines, and the required file extension. """ if isinstance(spin, bool): if spin: spin = 5 else: spin = None # if spin symmetry breaking is requested, update atomic init spins if "positions_frac" in doc and len(doc["positions_frac"]) > 0: if spin or "atomic_init_spins" in doc: if not any(doc.get("atomic_init_spins", [])): doc["atomic_init_spins"] = len(doc["positions_frac"]) * [None] doc["atomic_init_spins"][0] = spin if "site_occupancy" in doc: for occ in doc["site_occupancy"]: if abs(occ - 1) > EPS: raise RuntimeError( "Partial occupancies (VCA) not supported in cell files with matador" ) flines = [] flines.append("# Cell file generated by matador (Matthew Evans 2016)\n") if "lattice_cart" in doc: flines.append("%BLOCK LATTICE_CART") for vec in doc["lattice_cart"]: flines.append("{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format(d=vec)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK LATTICE_CART") if "atom_types" and ("positions_frac" in doc or "positions_abs" in doc): if "positions_frac" in doc: title = "POSITIONS_FRAC" positions = doc["positions_frac"] else: title = "POSITIONS_ABS" positions = doc["positions_abs"] flines.append("\n%BLOCK {}".format(title)) for ind, atom in enumerate(zip(doc["atom_types"], positions)): postfix = "" try: if "atomic_init_spins" in doc and doc["atomic_init_spins"][ind]: postfix = "SPIN={}".format(doc["atomic_init_spins"][ind]) except IndexError: pass flines.append( "{0:8s} {1[0]: 20.15f} {1[1]: 20.15f} {1[2]: 20.15f} {2:}".format( atom[0], atom[1], postfix ) ) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK {}".format(title)) if "external_pressure" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK EXTERNAL_PRESSURE") if np.asarray(doc["external_pressure"]).shape == (3, 3): flines.append( "{d[0][0]} {d[0][1]} {d[0][2]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"]) ) flines.append("{d[1][1]} {d[1][2]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"])) flines.append("{d[2][2]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"])) else: flines.append( "{d[0][0]} {d[0][1]} {d[0][2]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"]) ) flines.append("{d[1][0]} {d[1][1]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"])) flines.append("{d[2][0]}".format(d=doc["external_pressure"])) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK EXTERNAL_PRESSURE") if "external_efield" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK EXTERNAL_EFIELD") flines.append("{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format(d=doc["external_efield"])) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK EXTERNAL_EFIELD") if "ionic_constraints" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS") for constraint in doc["ionic_constraints"]: flines.append("{}".format(constraint)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS") # specify SCF kpoints if "kpoints_list" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK KPOINTS_LIST") for kpoint in doc["kpoints_list"]: flines.append("{p[0]:f} {p[1]:f} {p[2]:f} {p[3]:f}".format(p=kpoint)) flines.append("\n%ENDBLOCK KPOINTS_LIST") elif "kpoints_mp_spacing" in doc: flines.append("\nKPOINTS_MP_SPACING: {}".format(doc["kpoints_mp_spacing"])) elif "kpoints_mp_grid" in doc: flines.append( "\nKPOINTS_MP_GRID: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format(d=doc["kpoints_mp_grid"]) ) if "supercell_kpoints_mp_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nSUPERCELL_KPOINTS_MP_SPACING: {}".format( doc["supercell_kpoints_mp_spacing"] ) ) if "kpoints_mp_offset" in doc: flines.append( "\nKPOINTS_MP_OFFSET: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["kpoints_mp_offset"] ) ) if "spectral_kpoints_mp_offset" in doc: flines.append( "SPECTRAL_KPOINTS_MP_OFFSET: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["spectral_kpoints_mp_offset"] ) ) if "phonon_kpoint_mp_offset" in doc: flines.append( "PHONON_KPOINT_MP_OFFSET: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["phonon_kpoint_mp_offset"] ) ) # specify spectral kpoints if "spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nSPECTRAL_KPOINTS_MP_SPACING: {}".format( doc["spectral_kpoints_mp_spacing"] ) ) elif "spectral_kpoints_mp_grid" in doc: flines.append( "\nSPECTRAL_KPOINTS_MP_GRID: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["spectral_kpoints_mp_grid"] ) ) elif "spectral_kpoints_list" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK SPECTRAL_KPOINTS_LIST") for point in doc["spectral_kpoints_list"]: flines.append("{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]}".format(p=point)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK SPECTRAL_KPOINTS_LIST") elif "spectral_kpoints_path" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK SPECTRAL_KPOINTS_PATH") for ind, point in enumerate(doc["spectral_kpoints_path"]): flines.append("{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]}".format(p=point)) if "spectral_kpoints_path_labels" in doc: flines[-1] += " ! {}".format(doc["spectral_kpoints_path_labels"][ind]) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK SPECTRAL_KPOINTS_PATH") if "spectral_kpoints_path_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nSPECTRAL_KPOINTS_PATH_SPACING: {}".format( doc["spectral_kpoints_path_spacing"] ) ) # specify phonon kpoints if "phonon_kpoint_list" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK PHONON_KPOINT_LIST") for point in doc["phonon_kpoint_list"]: flines.append("{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]}".format(p=point)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK PHONON_KPOINT_LIST") elif "phonon_kpoint_mp_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nPHONON_KPOINT_MP_SPACING: {}".format(doc["phonon_kpoint_mp_spacing"]) ) elif "phonon_kpoint_mp_grid" in doc: flines.append( "\nPHONON_KPOINT_MP_GRID: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["phonon_kpoint_mp_grid"] ) ) # specify phonon fine kpoints if "phonon_fine_kpoint_list" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK PHONON_FINE_KPOINT_LIST") for point in doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_list"]: flines.append("{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]}".format(p=point)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK PHONON_FINE_KPOINT_LIST") elif "phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nPHONON_FINE_KPOINT_MP_SPACING: {}".format( doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_spacing"] ) ) elif "phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_grid" in doc: flines.append( "\nPHONON_FINE_KPOINT_MP_GRID: {d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format( d=doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_mp_grid"] ) ) elif "phonon_fine_kpoint_path" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK PHONON_FINE_KPOINT_PATH") for ind, point in enumerate(doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_path"]): flines.append("{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]}".format(p=point)) if "phonon_fine_kpoint_path_labels" in doc: flines[-1] += " ! {}".format(doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_path_labels"][ind]) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK PHONON_FINE_KPOINT_PATH") if "phonon_fine_kpoint_path_spacing" in doc: flines.append( "\nPHONON_FINE_KPOINT_PATH_SPACING: {}".format( doc["phonon_fine_kpoint_path_spacing"] ) ) if "phonon_supercell_matrix" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK PHONON_SUPERCELL_MATRIX") for i in range(3): flines.append( "{d[0]:3d} {d[1]:3d} {d[2]:3d}".format( d=doc["phonon_supercell_matrix"][i] ) ) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK PHONON_SUPERCELL_MATRIX") if "cell_constraints" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK CELL_CONSTRAINTS") flines.append("{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format(d=doc["cell_constraints"][0])) flines.append("{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]}".format(d=doc["cell_constraints"][1])) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK CELL_CONSTRAINTS") if doc.get("fix_com"): flines.append("FIX_COM: TRUE") if doc.get("fix_all_cell"): flines.append("FIX_ALL_CELL: TRUE") if doc.get("fix_all_ions"): flines.append("FIX_ALL_IONS: TRUE") if doc.get("fix_vol"): flines.append("FIX_VOL: TRUE") if "symmetry_generate" in doc: flines.append("SYMMETRY_GENERATE") if "snap_to_symmetry" in doc: flines.append("SNAP_TO_SYMMETRY") if "symmetry_tol" in doc: flines.append("SYMMETRY_TOL: {}".format(doc["symmetry_tol"])) if "hubbard_u" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK HUBBARD_U") flines.append("eV") for elem in doc["hubbard_u"]: for orbital in doc["hubbard_u"][elem]: shift = str(doc["hubbard_u"][elem][orbital]) flines.append("{} {} {}".format(elem, orbital, shift)) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK HUBBARD_U") if "quantisation_axis" in doc: flines.append("QUANTISATION_AXIS: ") for integer in doc["quantisation_axis"]: flines.append(str(integer) + " ") if "positions_noise" in doc: flines.append("POSITIONS_NOISE: {}".format(doc["positions_noise"])) if "cell_noise" in doc: flines.append("CELL_NOISE : {}".format(doc["cell_noise"])) if "species_pot" in doc: flines.append("\n%BLOCK SPECIES_POT") for elem in doc["species_pot"]: if elem == "library": flines.append(doc["species_pot"]["library"]) elif "atom_types" not in doc or elem in doc.get("atom_types"): flines.append("{:4} {}".format(elem, doc["species_pot"][elem])) flines.append("%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_POT") ext = "cell" return flines, ext
[docs]def doc2pdb(doc, path, info=True, hash_dupe=True): """Write a simple .pdb for single doc. Parameters: doc (dict): matador document containing structure. path (str): desired path of xsf file. Keyword arguments: info (bool): write info string to HEADER. hash_dupe (bool): hash duplicate file names or skip? """ warnings.warn( "This method is no longer maintained and may be removed at any time.", DeprecationWarning, ) if path.endswith(".pdb"): path = path.replace(".pdb", "") if os.path.isfile(path + ".pdb"): if hash_dupe: path += "-" + generate_hash() else: raise RuntimeError("Skipping duplicate structure...") with open(path + ".pdb", "w") as f: try: header = "HEADER {} {}".format(doc["text_id"][0], doc["text_id"][1]) except Exception: header = "HEADER Generated with matador." try: # write res file header if info title = "TITLE " title += path.split("/")[-1] + " " if not doc.get("pressure"): title += "0.00 " else: title += str(doc["pressure"]) + " " title += str(doc["cell_volume"]) + " " title += str(doc["enthalpy"]) + " " title += "0 0 " # spin title += str(doc["num_atoms"]) + " " try: if "x" in doc["space_group"]: title += "(P1) " else: title += "(" + str(doc["space_group"]) + ")" + " " except Exception: title += "(P1) " title += "n - 1" except Exception: if not info: title = "TITLE\t" + path.split("/")[-1] raise RuntimeError("Failed to get info for res file, turn info off.") author = "AUTHOR Generated with matador (Matthew Evans, 2016)" f.write(header + "\n") f.write(author + "\n") f.write(title + "\n") # use dummy SG for CRYST1, shouldn't matter cryst = "CRYST1 {v[0][0]:9.3f} {v[0][1]:9.3f} {v[0][2]:9.3f} {v[1][0]:7.2f} {v[1][1]:7.2f} {v[1][2]:7.2f} P 1".format( v=doc["lattice_abc"] ) f.write(cryst + "\n") scale_n = cart2abcstar(doc["lattice_cart"]) f.write( "SCALE1 {v[0][0]:10.6f} {v[0][1]:10.6f} {v[0][2]:10.6f} {:10.5f}\n".format( 0.0, v=scale_n ) ) f.write( "SCALE2 {v[1][0]:10.6f} {v[1][1]:10.6f} {v[1][2]:10.6f} {:10.5f}\n".format( 0.0, v=scale_n ) ) f.write( "SCALE3 {v[2][0]:10.6f} {v[2][1]:10.6f} {v[2][2]:10.6f} {:10.5f}\n".format( 0.0, v=scale_n ) ) if "positions_abs" not in doc: doc["positions_abs"] = frac2cart(doc["lattice_cart"], doc["positions_frac"]) for ind, atom in enumerate(doc["atom_types"]): hetatm = "HETATM " # append 00 to atom type, a la cell2pdb... hetatm += "{:4d} {:.4} NON A 1 ".format(ind + 1, atom + "00") hetatm += "{v[0]:7.3f} {v[1]:7.3f} {v[2]:7.3f} {:5.2f} {:5.2f} {:.2}".format( 1.0, 0.0, atom, v=doc["positions_abs"][ind] ) f.write(hetatm + "\n") ter = "TER {} NON A 1".format(len(doc["atom_types"])) f.write(ter + "\n") f.write("END")
[docs]def doc2json(doc, path, overwrite=False, hash_dupe=True): """Return raw JSON document as stored in database. Parameters: doc (dict): matador document containing structure path (str): desired filename for res file Keyword arguments: hash_dupe (bool): hash duplicate file names, or skip? overwrite (bool): overwrite if filename exists. """ import json if path.endswith(".json"): path = path.replace(".json", "") if os.path.isfile(path + ".json"): if overwrite: os.remove(path + ".json") elif hash_dupe: path += "-" + generate_hash() if "_id" in doc: doc["_id"] = str(doc["_id"]) with open(path + ".json", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(doc, skipkeys=True, indent=2))
[docs]def doc2pwscf(doc, path, template=None, spacing=None): """Write the structural part of QE input file based on the provided matador doc. Will calculate the correct kpoint_mp_grid if spacing is provided. Parameters: doc (dict): matador document containing structure path (str): desired filename for res file Keyword Arguments: template (str): filename of template to prepend before structure (with prefix keyword to be replaced), spacing (float): kpoint_mp_spacing to use when calculating grid. """ warnings.warn( "This method is no longer maintained and may be removed at any time.", DeprecationWarning, ) if path.endswith(".in"): path = path.replace(".in", "") if os.path.isfile(path + ".in"): return if "lattice_cart" not in doc: doc["lattice_cart"] = abc2cart(doc["lattice_abc"]) if "kpoints_mp_spacing" in doc or spacing is not None: if "kpoints_mp_spacing" in doc: spacing = doc["kpoints_mp_spacing"] doc["kpoints_mp_grid"] = calc_mp_grid(doc["lattice_cart"], spacing) file_string = "" file_string += "CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom\n" for i in range(3): file_string += " {d[0]: 10.10f} {d[1]: 10.10f} {d[2]: 10.10f}\n".format( d=doc["lattice_cart"][i] ) file_string += "\n ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal\n" for i in range(len(doc["atom_types"])): file_string += "{:4} {d[0]: 10.10f} {d[1]: 10.10f} {d[2]: 10.10f}\n".format( doc["atom_types"][i], d=doc["positions_frac"][i] ) file_string += "\nK_POINTS automatic\n" file_string += "{d[0]} {d[1]} {d[2]} 0 0 0".format(d=doc["kpoints_mp_grid"]) if template is not None: if os.path.isfile(template): with open(template, "r") as f: template_string = f.readlines() with open(path + ".in", "w") as f: for line in template_string: if "prefix" in line: line = " prefix = '{}',\n".format(path) elif "nat" in line: line = " nat = {},\n".format(len(doc["atom_types"])) elif "nat" in line: line = " ntyp = {},\n".format(len(set(doc["atom_types"]))) f.write(line) f.write(file_string)
[docs]@file_writer_function def doc2res( doc, path, overwrite=False, hash_dupe=False, info=True, spoof_titl=False, sort_atoms=True, ): """Write .res file for single doc. Parameters: doc (dict): matador document containing structure path (str): desired filename for res file Keyword Arguments: info (bool): require info in res file header spoof_titl (bool): make up fake info for file header (for use with e.g. cryan) sorted (bool): if False, atoms are not sorted (this will not be a valid res file) overwrite (bool): whether or not to overwrite colliding files. hash_dupe (bool): whether or not to create a unique filename for any colliding files, or just skip writing them. """ if spoof_titl: info = False if not info: space_group = "P1" if "space_group" not in doc else doc["space_group"] if spoof_titl: titl = ("TITL {} -1 1 -1 0 0 {} ({}) n - 1").format( path.split("/")[-1], doc["num_atoms"], space_group ) else: titl = "TITL file generated by matador (Matthew Evans 2016)" else: try: titl = "TITL " titl += path.split("/")[-1] + " " if "pressure" not in doc or isinstance(doc["pressure"], str): titl += "0.00 " else: titl += str(doc["pressure"]) + " " if "cell_volume" not in doc: titl += "0.0 " else: titl += str(doc["cell_volume"]) + " " if "enthalpy" in doc and not isinstance(doc["enthalpy"], str): titl += str(doc["enthalpy"]) + " " elif "0K_energy" in doc: titl += str(doc["0K_energy"]) + " " elif "total_energy" in doc: titl += str(doc["total_energy"]) + " " else: raise KeyError("No energy field found.") titl += "0 0 " # spin titl += str(doc["num_atoms"]) + " " if "space_group" not in doc: titl += "(P1) " elif "x" in doc["space_group"]: titl += "(P1) " else: titl += "(" + str(doc["space_group"]) + ")" + " " titl += "n - 1" except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get info for res file, turn info off.") if "encapsulated" in doc and doc["encapsulated"]: rem = ( "REM NTPROPS {{'chiralN': {}, 'chiralM': {}, 'r': {}, " "'offset': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'date': 'xxx', 'eformperfu': 12345, 'z': {}}}".format( doc["cnt_chiral"][0], doc["cnt_chiral"][1], doc["cnt_radius"], doc["cnt_length"], ) ) flines = [] if "encapsulated" in doc and doc["encapsulated"]: flines.append(rem) flines.append(titl) cell_str = "CELL 1.0 " if ( "lattice_abc" not in doc or len(doc["lattice_abc"]) != 2 or len(doc["lattice_abc"][0]) != 3 or len(doc["lattice_abc"][1]) != 3 ): try: doc["lattice_abc"] = cart2abc(doc["lattice_cart"]) except Exception: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to get lattice, something has gone wrong for {}".format(path) ) for vec in doc["lattice_abc"]: for coeff in vec: cell_str += "{:.12f} ".format(coeff) flines.append(cell_str) flines.append("LATT -1") # enforce correct order by elements, sorting only the atom_types, not the positions inside them if len(doc["positions_frac"]) != len(doc["atom_types"]): raise RuntimeError("Atom/position array mismatch!") if "site_occupancy" in doc: if len(doc["site_occupancy"]) != len(doc["positions_frac"]): raise RuntimeError("Occupancy/position array mismatch!") if "site_occupancy" not in doc: occupancies = [1.0] * len(doc["positions_frac"]) if sort_atoms: positions_frac, atom_types = zip( *[ (pos, types) for (types, pos) in sorted( zip(doc["atom_types"], doc["positions_frac"]), key=lambda k: k[0] ) ] ) if "site_occupancy" in doc: occupancies, _atom_types = zip( *[ (occ, types) for (types, occ) in sorted( zip(doc["atom_types"], doc["site_occupancy"]), key=lambda k: k[0], ) ] ) else: positions_frac = doc["positions_frac"] atom_types = doc["atom_types"] if len(positions_frac) != len(doc["positions_frac"]) or len(atom_types) != len( doc["atom_types"] ): raise RuntimeError("Site occupancy mismatch!") written_atoms = [] sfac_str = "SFAC \t" for elem in atom_types: if elem not in written_atoms: sfac_str += " " + str(elem) written_atoms.append(str(elem)) flines.append(sfac_str) atom_labels = [] i = 0 j = 1 while i < len(atom_types): num = atom_types.count(atom_types[i]) atom_labels.extend(num * [j]) i += num j += 1 for atom in zip(atom_types, atom_labels, positions_frac, occupancies): flines.append( "{0:8s}{1:3d}{2[0]: 20.15f} {2[1]: 20.15f} {2[2]: 20.15f} {3: 20.15f}".format( atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], atom[3] ) ) flines.append("END") # very important newline for compatibliy with cryan # flines.append('') return flines, "res"
[docs]def doc2xsf(doc, path, write_energy=False, write_forces=False, overwrite=False): """Write an .xsf file for a matador document, with positions in Cartesian coordinates. Optionally, write the energy in a comment at the top of the file for use with aenet. Parameters: doc (dict): matador document containing structure. path (str): desired path of xsf file. Keyword arguments: write_energy (bool): whether or not to write total energy in a comment as the first line of the file. write_forces (bool): whether or not to write the forces on each atom. overwrite (bool): overwrite if file exists. """ warnings.warn( "This method is no longer maintained and may be removed at any time.", DeprecationWarning, ) if path.endswith(".xsf"): path = path.replace(".xsf", "") flines = [] if write_energy: if "total_energy" in doc: flines.append("# total energy = {:10.8f} eV\n".format(doc["total_energy"])) else: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to write energy in xsf file: key 'total_energy' missing from input." ) flines.append("CRYSTAL") flines.append("PRIMVEC") if "lattice_cart" in doc: for i in range(3): flines.append( "\t\t{lat[0]: 10.8f}\t{lat[1]: 10.8f}\t{lat[2]: 10.8f}".format( lat=doc["lattice_cart"][i] ) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to write lattice in xsf file: key 'lattice_cart' missing from input." ) flines.append("PRIMCOORD") flines.append("{} {}".format(doc["num_atoms"], 1)) if "positions_abs" not in doc: doc["positions_abs"] = frac2cart(doc["lattice_cart"], doc["positions_frac"]) for ind, (atom, position) in enumerate( zip(doc["atom_types"], doc["positions_abs"]) ): flines.append( "{:2}\t{pos[0]: 16.8f}\t{pos[1]: 16.8f}\t{pos[2]: 16.8f}".format( atom, pos=position ) ) if write_forces: if "forces" in doc: flines[-1] += "\t{f[0]: 16.8f}\t{f[1]: 16.8f}\t{f[2]: 16.8f}".format( f=doc["forces"][ind] ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to write forces in xsf file: key 'forces' missing from input." ) if os.path.isfile(path + ".xsf"): if overwrite: os.remove(path + ".xsf") else: raise RuntimeError("Duplicate file!") with open(path + ".xsf", "w") as f: for line in flines: f.write(line + "\n")
[docs]@file_writer_function def doc2arbitrary(doc, path, overwrite=False, hash_dupe=False): """Write a Python dictionary into a standard CASTEP-style keyword: value file. Parameters: doc (dict): contains key-value pairs. path (str): filename to write to. Keyword arguments: hash_dupe (bool): hash duplicate file names, or skip? overwrite (bool): overwrite if filename exists. Returns: list: list of strs to write to file. """ warnings.warn( "This method is no longer maintained and may be removed at any time.", DeprecationWarning, ) ext = None flines = [] output_doc = {} # sanitise dict to include only unique-by-case keys for key in doc: if key.startswith("_"): continue if key.lower() == "source": continue if key.lower() in output_doc: raise Warning("Key {} defined multiple times.".format(key)) output_doc[key.lower()] = doc[key] for key in output_doc: flines.append("{}: {}".format(key, output_doc[key])) return flines, ext